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Everything posted by Kookie

  1. If your going to use wood for the stand, please brace it well. It's not just the weight of the water you need to worry about, but buckling and twisting etc in an earthquake. good luck with your project.
  2. Start with the sides and front panels. Cut out the size squares you will need for the doors. They will need to be slightly larger than the holes you cut out. Yep you can screw the panels straight onto your stand. Hinges for the doors and bobs your aunty. Measure it all up, make sure sizing is right. Take it outside and stain it. Let dry them screw it on.
  3. While your tank is cycling, having some fish help as they produce waste which the good bacteria like. I suggested the danio's / tetra because they are very hardy and can tolerate a cycling tank with minimal issues. I'm not sure if convicts will be ok, so it might pay to do some research. Guppies should be fine also.
  4. I think it's about time you did a major water change on the tank. Minimum of 50%, then do water changes twice a week, down to weekly of about 20%. Everything will be much happier with some healthy fresh water. Don't delay, change most of the water now.
  5. I'd have to disagree there. I have an undergravel filter in my 3 ft tank and I have problems with excessive plant growth. I also don't use any additives to enhance plant growth, just fish and light. For the temp, it really depends on what type of fish you want to keep. I have a community tank with over 16 species of fish (67 all up so far) I keep the temp at around 26 and it seems to keep all my fish happy, to the point where they breed excessively LOL. In regards to your pumps, I would suggest holding on to the spare, as you just never know when you might need it. Always pays to have a back up. With the water, you can add water ager or aqua clear if you want, or you can allow the water to stand in suitable containers for 24 - 48 hours to age, thus not needing any additives.
  6. I know that welding is the strongest method and the only method I would trust to hold the steel together and take the weight of the tank when full. That's not to say other means wouldn't work, but haven't seen any stands that haven't been welded together. On the top and bottom of the stand, we screwed in to place two large flat boards. The bottom one for weight distribution on the floor and the top one for the tank. We then built a cabinet around the frame using custom wood, which we will paint inside and out.
  7. Hi Ya. Is your tank going to be warm or cold water? TradeMe is an excellent source of plants (plantman and waterplantz are the members you want to look up). IMO I'd recommend you fill your tank with water now and turn everything on, to let the cycling begin (allowing good bacteria to build up). Then add your plants when you find ones you like. I'd recommend some plants, but I buy what I like the look of. You may also add a school of glowlight tetra or danio's to help with the cycling of your tank. Ya don't wanna just chuck all your fish in at once. The ammonia spikes etc will make them very unhappy.
  8. Here is a basic steel stand. My better half made this, and if you can weld at all, then it's easy as pie to make.
  9. perhaps she is bathing them?
  10. Thanks for the replies. I shall not dose with tonic salt.
  11. Is it ok to dose my tank with tonic salt, merely as a pick me up for the tank which is still cycling. The fish are all happy and well and not showing any signs of distress. Just wondering if I can dose, Just because?
  12. Howdy from another Wainuiomartian. I'm sure you will fit right in.
  13. LOL they are really loving their new home. It's awesome to watch their behaviour too.
  14. Where did you get them from Fizgig?
  15. Yep they sure did. I had to remove a lot of the indian fern as it's growth rate has been prolific. I don't use CO2 injectors or anything like that. Must be the Wainui water lol.
  16. Here is the tank as of a few minutes ago. Sorry about the quality. Been trying to get a good pic, but it ain't happening at the mo.
  17. Kookie

    jebao 304

    We bought the AquaOne CF-1000 from TM for $130.
  18. My male BN got his spikes at 4 - 5 cm's. Started off as little lumps then grew out. He is now 7 cm long and his spikes are well pronounced.
  19. Ahhhh the old "just testing you" trick very good.
  20. there is a way of putting your fish to sleep before you kill it. Put clove oil (i think about a teaspoon) into a cup or bowl with a little water. Put the fish into that and wait a few minutes. Your fish will be outcold. Then you can pierce its head and do the deed. It will feel nothing. Sorry about your fish.
  21. LOL Alan, you got the last two quotes around the wrong way. But thank you for putting it back up.
  22. Kookie


    Wainui beach has a whole bunch of dark sand. It's free too lol. I know it's not quite what you were looking for though.
  23. Where are you from spongebob? If you alter your profile to show your location, it will make helping you in future much easier. Welcome to the forums.
  24. Do you know what the conditions of the other tank are like? Do you need to worry about snails etc?? If you trust the first tank, just give the plants a quick dunk in fresh water then plant them normally into the second tank. Be gentle with the roots.
  25. are your lights fleuro tubes? If so just buy some 'coolwhite', 'brightwhite' or 'daylight' tubes. You want them to be around 6500ish kelvin. No need to buy fancy tubes as regular cheap ones are just as effective. You can find most of the above tubes from places like mitre10, bunnings or any lighting shop.
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