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Everything posted by Kookie

  1. My baby platy is at least 5mm long now and fit and healthy. The other fish are BW Tetra's, danio's, golden and cherry barbs, swordtails, EE Rasbora's, platy's, a guppy, neon &glowlight tetra's, couple catfish. Is my bubba big enough, or will the others still try to make a meal out of him?
  2. LOL i don't know how else to describe it. I'm not sure there is anything actually wrong with it, as it seems happy enough. Eating, playing tag with the other neons, colors are good. I do regular water changes. Tend to have a low pH because of the driftwood in the tank. It also seems to be quite protective of the spot of water it sits in. Semi chasing the others away. So the only thing it is doing different is the motor mouth thing. Opening and closing its mouth at a great rate of knots. None of the others are doing it. Has anyone else seen this before? Is my neon sick or just special?
  3. Hi from yet another Wellingtonian.
  4. Is it possible your fish died of old age?
  5. Addiction isn't the word I'd use to describe it lol. Obsession springs to mind. I officially have MTS, and it's frustrating because I still only have 1 tank. Want/need more hehehe.
  6. Ok so my catfish has a dark skin, with white spots all over. The spots on their heads are smaller than the ones on the rest of their bodies. Their fins and sails are striped. Across their backs they have a pale patch, which i liken to wings almost. One has bristles on the nose, which I'm assuming is the male, the other doesn't. They are about 5-6 cm's long. I've tried getting photo's, but they are so active and rarely sit still long enough.
  7. My male swordtail, seems to have a problem with my 1 guppy and 2 platy's. He will chase them, taking pot shots at them. He only seems to do this when my female swordtail brushes him off. He's a randy lil bugger and always tries to "get his leg over", and she takes no crap from him. So it seems frustration is making him harrass the 3 other fish. He leaves all the other fishies alone. What are your ideas or suggestions for this?
  8. Hi, Can anyone give me an accurate description of the snowflake catfish? I have two catfish, which i was thinking were bristlenose, but from the pics I've seen, the patternation looks different. I will try and post a pic when they sit still long enough for me to shoot them.
  9. Hehe, the bubba's sure are cute, was nice to see em swimming around. And so many too. I'm already suffering from MTS and i still only have one tank.
  10. Hi, I've been told by several people, that the wunder white spot cure is less than desirable. Some said the blue circle WS cure was better. When treating them, it is recommended that you first do a 50% water change, then medicate. White spot are water born and in warm temps can take between 24 to 48 hours to hatch and seek out your fishies. So you will need to do a second treatment. Do another 50% water change then treat again. BUT DON'T treat more than 3 times without doing a FULL water change. Also, you need to remove any carbon from your filters, as this will remove the medication before it has taken effect. Good Luck. I went through this myself not long ago, due to a bully fish. I used the Blue Circle WS cure.
  11. Hi Dubbieboy, I'm also keen on relieving you of some riccia, should you find yourself with spare. PM me with details and I'll send you what ever you need. Cheers.
  12. Cheers for that. I will google search for images, so I know what the Riccia looks like.
  13. Hi, I know this has probably been asked before, but I was wanting to know what the best and nicest type of floating plant is for a f/w tropical tank? It's got to be fairly bushy for my live bearers and egg layers. Thanks in advance.
  14. Hi Karen, thank you so much for the offer. What time is the meeting? I'm on Bull Ave. I might be keen to come along if I'm not too late.
  15. Tsarmina, seen you on SC. Will have to PM you at some stage to swap addy's or something.
  16. Hi Tsarmina. I've seen your name on another forum too. Would love to have a look at your fishies one day. You could come have a coffee here and see mine too if you wanted.
  17. To be honest i wouldn't have a clue. I'm not huge on testing the water all the time. The one pH test i did showed as completely neutral. I know, I'm bad. But I bet I'm not the only one who doesn't test all the time.
  18. Hi B&K, thanks for the reply. I did a google search on my canister and searched Eheim, but as my model is "outdated" there was very little info avaliable, except to say it is "outdated" lol. i'll have a look for the ceramic noodles. Where is the local fish meet? I've no idea on the clubs and meets etc.
  19. Hi all. Hope this sunny Monday morning finds you all well. Now, I have an Eheim 386 canister, pump works well and outputs a good flow. When i bought my tank etc, the canister didn't have any media in it. I want to know, can i simply layer the media on top of each other? or do i need to have seperate trays for these? or can i just put a piece of fliter wool in between. At the moment there is about 6 pieces of filter wool in the canister, which have the right bacteria in it, because the cycle started over 3 weeks ago, so I will be using that wool when i add the media. Thanks in advance
  20. Thanks for the warm welcome all. Over the past few days I have been reading so many posts on this forum, and I have to say I thought i knew some stuff, but now I know MORE lol. I'm looking forward to chatting and learning with you all.
  21. Hello all. Am new to this site so thought I'd drop you all a quick hello. have recently started keeping tropical fish again after 8 years. got lucky with trademe, and scored a 3 ft 100 ltr tank with fish and accessories from here till kingdom come. I already broke a cardinal rule, one that most people break when starting out with fish. Over populated, by about 6 fish I'm guessing. Hasn't caused too much stress on the fish, (just means I have to do more frequent water changes). Only stress came from the bully Danio that i bought. He harrassed his tank mates into white spot. 3 treatments later and they all (minus the danio) seem to be happy as larks. My Mrs golden barb, danio and sword tail are all looking very swell, so have seperated them for now. Mrs Guppie dropped about 3 days after getting her, and i managed to rescue one of the fry, who is happily growing in a bag inside the tank with air stone. It's quite funny watching the other fish take pot shots at his bag, as he sits there as if to say "haha you can't get me". Any way, Hi All. Might check back in later or tomorrow.
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