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Everything posted by Kookie

  1. I vacuum the gravel every third water change, the other times I just change water. It wouldn't be good for the tank to vacuum the gravel so often. I have a range of fishies: neon, glowlight & blackwidow tetras (4 N, 4 G, 6 BW) cherry & golden barbs (3 Ch 2 Gold) platies (3) guppies (1 mum and 20-30 bubba's) swordtails (1 male, 3 females) BN catfish (pair) albino catfish zebra danios (3) emerald eye rasbora (8 )
  2. He's either not offering to "pay" enough or the girls are plain fussy. Wish I could offer something a bit more constructive.
  3. Kookie

    Bolivian Rams

    From what I have read on this site, most people give their cichlids a spawning cave of sorts.
  4. Take a lettuce leaf or two and scrunch it a wee bit then drop it in the water, this will help get the infurosia going.
  5. Hi and welcome to MTS annonymous. You've come to the right place.
  6. Hey evil. I have a slightly over stocked 100L tank and all my fish are happy. The biggest concerns with smaller tanks and lots of fish are stress and ammonia. I do partial water changes every 2 - 3 days and my fish are all very healthy and happy and love to breed lol. I have around 40 (give or take a couple) fishies in my tank. None that will grow more than 5-7 cm in size. Also my tank is very well planted and it has plenty of hiding places for the fish to take a break. I think if anything will cause problems for you, it will be a bully fish. So keep your eyes peeled. IMHO you can have a successful well stocked tank, if you maintain them well. Good luck.
  7. Hi and welcome. You have definately come to the right place.
  8. Kookie


    I've come face to face with a moray eel before. When I was scuba diving off Motiti Island in the BOP. It was very large (even without goggles magnification) and I'm guessing it was an oldie. It just sat half in and half out of its cave, swaying in the current, watching me. Its mouth was big enough to remove a hand. The half you could see was almost as long as my arm. It was awesome to hang mid water, face to face with this creature.
  9. Yup definately only one male in a tank. They aren't called fighting fish for nothing. Which is a shame, because they are beautiful fish. Also with your guppies, be carefull as they are prolific breeders, and you may suddenly find your tank filling up with guppy fry (babies). The males have the stunning tales, so you could maybe just have males? If you do go for pairs, just keep an eye on their breeding as you could fast find your tank running out of room. Also another friendly pretty fish, is the platy.
  10. Hi there. Really friendly types that won't grow too big are: Neon/cardinal tetra Glowlight tetra Cherry barbs Golden barb Emerald eye rasbora Bristle nose catfish Zebra danio Black widow tetra All but the catfish are shoaling fish, and it's better when you get at least six of each, as it keeps the fish happier. There are plenty of other fish you can get too, but most will probably grow too big for your tank if you get too many. Research the fish you like for the sizes they will grow to and the water conditions they like. Also under the beginners heading, is where you can find out how many fish you can have per square inch of surface area. good luck with your tank.
  11. I'd love to enter this comp. What a shame my tank won't be ready in time. To get it looking like some of those is going to take months. Mostly waiting for the plants to settle and take over. Beautiful tanks though.
  12. OOPS this should probably be under general breeding.
  13. Geeze I get up this morning and go feed my fishies, and what do I find? My guppy who has been sitting on a brood since before Dec 31st, has decided to give birth, fry every where. Managed to rescue at least 25 of them. My Zeb danios are going insane laying eggs, so it's raining eggs in my tank. The other fish think it's christmas lol. I've also noticed the growth of some Black Beard Algae. Oh yay it's all go in my tank today. Must be something in the water. *wanders off to search BBA*
  14. Yup I realise this, and simply meant you were right on the nose with your advice. Perhaps I should have added an extra space between those lines so as not to confuse anyone.
  15. What do you mean if you had room Paul? I'm sure you could squeeze another half dozen in there somewhere.
  16. Went to wonderland aquarium in Rotorua yesterday on my way home and I was totally blown away by the rows and rows of tanks. In one of those tanks was heaps of bubba BBG's. I wish Wellington had an aquarium like that.
  17. the complete cycle for white spot is around 48 hours, if your tanks water is raised. Raising the temp helps to get the cycle going. It is recommended to treat 3 times, once every 2 days, doing a 50% water change each time. DO NOT dose a fourth time without doing a FULL water change. Pegasus is right on the money. Good luck with your loaches.
  18. Oh wow, that's great news Paul (that your fishes and tank are coming right). So glad you caught it in time. I agree losing one is one too many lol. Came home to one fatality last night, a neon, but I guess neons are prone to belly upness. The plants looked a little sad for not having the light on for over 24 hours, but all is still well in fishy land. Good luck with your fishes.
  19. Welcome to the addiction from another in Wainuiomata. One tank will never be enough hehe. I got back yesterday from a round trip to Hamilton to pick up my second tank, a 450 litre one. I'm sure it's around 5ft in length. Yeeeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh. I can't wait to start setting it up and filling it with fish, and I'm hoping some cichlids too.
  20. apple snails loooove to demolish plants, but they do look cool.
  21. Yup I saw that when I was in there the other day. Small problem?? Snails are the one thing I don't want in my tanks lol.
  22. Hey alanmin, could you tell me what plants would be good together and which ones i should flag? i appreciate your advice. B
  23. Hi Has anyone got this fish?? What is its personality like? What have you been feeding it? Do you know where i can order a couple from?
  24. LOL no not yet. I've still got to get the tank from Hamilton. The moving guys can't pick it up till next week.
  25. Thanks Faren. I'm loving all this wonderful advice from people. It certainly is getting me excited about putting this new tank together.
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