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Everything posted by Zev

  1. How big? Are you too impatient to wait for Caryl or do these need to go ASAP?
  2. Nice video ANB001, I did not realise they got so fat!
  3. Well, that got a bite! If you are less than half my age you are young... How is Suds - haven't seen any pics lately, and I am sure Bud would appreciate something to oogle at apart from fish
  4. *puts hand up next to mouth and whispers to LA* I think Sam may be a bit to young to know what we are going on about? - He is only a young pup, you know.
  5. It would be interesting to know if the amount of activity is proportional to the amount of flow...
  6. I told you before, they like to bask in hot area - they are not particularly worried where this basking spot is, as long as it is inconvenient for the keeper. Oh, and you had better stagger your lights when they come on - they get really annoyed when the get blasted by a lot of light all of a sudden - their eyes go all slitty and they look reaaalllyyy annoyed. I also agree with the queries about the ID, you name it as F. silvestris catus - aren't these black and white?
  7. My sister in law has one on her bathtub tank, as Ira said, not much chop really - I don't know if it has batteries or if they are stuffed, but as soon as your shadow falls over the solar panel it stops.
  8. Zev

    Catfish Video!

    Maybe Phoenix's are a bit more lively because he tries to feed them bird? viewtopic.php?f=17&t=43511&start=15
  9. Nice pics - they are lovely wee things, my daughter wanted some a few years ago, but since we only had a 2ft com tank, it was not going to be a good idea, I could just imagine the tankmates with bits missing out of them :-?
  10. You could talk nicely to Caryl, she will be here at the end of Feb and may be able to help.
  11. What sort of lighting you considering - this things also like to bask in a warm spot.
  12. Can you get it to recline, so that we can see if will fit along the length - also, is there enough room for it to turn around once you put the lid on? You should also consider shrouding the heater cable somehow, these are renowned for chewing these sorts of things.
  13. Zev

    Catfish Video!

    Gee, guess which bank you work for??? These guys are just as bad as Hillstream Loaches with all the pushing and shoving.
  14. Can't you get the bird to fill in for you - since he is not allowed in the National Aquarium?
  15. Argh - this is getting confusing! How about you put which one of you is posting at the bottom of your posts so us old fuddies don't get confuddled
  16. Here are the details, since Caryl beat me to it! Sleepover at the National Aquarium of New Zealand on Saturday night, enjoy some fun and games before bedding down in the main Oceanarium. Suitable for children and those who refuse to grow up! Have your dinner before you arrive, or bring it with you at 6.00pm to eat at the venue. (Sorry - no fish and chips allowed, they smell the place out, and the occupants may get a bit upset...) Cost - $15.00 per person, includes breakfast on Sunday morning. Tank Crawl - help us judge our annual tank and pond competition on Sunday. Meet at the Education Room at the Aquarium at 9.00am for judging sheets and directions. The tank crawl will conclude with a Sausage Sizzle provided by our club at the final tank crawl destination in the early afternoon. Bookings - please book your sleepover by sending a PM to me and I will give you the payment details. If you wish to attend the fun and games for the evening but are sleeping somewhere else, or just want to participate in the tank crawl, let us know as well for catering purposes. The Fine Print - The sleepover is limited to 40 persons - first paid replies get first option, please be aware that this is Art Deco Weekend in Napier, and alternative accommodation will be at a premium, if not non existent, although there will be some interesting deco events for non fishy people to attend. Please bring your own sleeping bags and pillows, and if you think that you will not be able to handle the concrete floor for the night, bring a camp mattress as well. There are no shower facilities available at the Aquarium. Hope to see you there!
  17. Perhaps you need to change his name to Rusty Luu... *looks for somewhere to hide as Phoenix is about two foot taller than me and can run a hell of a lot faster than I can*
  18. You forgot to mention the tank crawl as well
  19. As long as he does not turn into a potty mouthed bird...
  20. Send me an email if you want to know how these forums are set up
  21. Zev

    Which colour Lights

    You should be able to buy short rolls of it at a building merchants, I use for some of my tanks, it is waterproof to some degree and quite a good thickness to handle without it all turning to custard! Dimensions for the small roll are 1m wide by 25m long, cost is approx $33 per roll, it is called Bitumac Breathable Building Paper and is made by Tasman. So providing your tank is not more than a meter high, you should get plenty off one roll.
  22. lol - so did you give poor Rusty a good bath after that?
  23. Zev


    Nosey Caryl! Hi and welcome milkchops - there is another thread somewhere that discusses the noise the filters make, and that Ehiems were the quietest if you were going to put them in the living area.
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