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Everything posted by Zev

  1. We used to have our milk delivered by horse and cart -does that make me old or what?
  2. Hi John, and welcome to the forums. We loose a lot of water out of our indoor tanks because the cats drink it! Can you please add your location by going to the User Control Panel at the top of the page, this may help with any other queries you may have if any locals wish to offer help.
  3. Who remembers the Fernleaf butter family? Or the BASF tapes Dear John ad? - not that some of the young'uns would know what a cassette tape was!
  4. And why has The Hamster had his hair done so that it looks like he's been dragged through a blackberry bush backwards? I know they are trying to emphasise speed, but honestly...?
  5. Like what I do on the main site here with the POTM?
  6. If you can get ahold of Consumer Magazine, or know someone who has an online key, there was an article about them a couple of years ago. I printed it out and will see if I can find it for you, but work has canceled it's subscription and I cannot access it at the moment.
  7. And you can only put pellets in the firebox nothing else, it is feed by a hopper, hence the need for electricity, so if you have no power, or no pellets - you freeze! I do not know how many pellet manufacturers there are, either, but if they decide to stop making them, you are up the creek without a paddle.
  8. No it's not! Now I did ask those who sent me info to check...
  9. Lol, you should see our teenage girls duck for cover when that one comes on!
  10. Mouldy old Dough, was the song, by Lieutenant Pigeon! erk, I'm showing my age..... I quite liked the Vodafone one where he folds everything up and puts it in his pocket as well.
  11. Ahhh, the Monty Python rip! Can't find the rally opossums anywhere on the net.....
  12. Agree with Supasi on the voice over cleaning ones, especially the kid on the loo one, was worthy of diving for the remote in order to change the channel! My all time favorite has to be the Smokefree Rally of NZ opossum ad.... 'Check it out, two moons!' But I realise that some of you may be too young to have ever seen it!
  13. Brrrrrrrr......... Sounds like fun, though!
  14. Done, will send to you shortly.
  15. I like fisubice, but some of the mod tools don't show there...
  16. That would depend on which board style they are using, Phoenix, in fisubice it is in the centre at the top and SmoothBlue is so confusing that everything is hard to find!
  17. Hmmm... the rellies used to do this with crickets in a bucket - I don't know how they knew which was whos cricket, but they seemed to know!
  18. Hi and welcome. Seems to be a few Central NI people popping out of the woodwork lately!
  19. Oooo..... I want a Babel fish! I can just see Phoenix jumping around like a girl with one of those as well!
  20. Stop it LA, you nearly made me spit my tea over the laptop trying to stifle a laugh! Maybe you had better give it a miss if you are squeamish - it has a scene in it where they use a wiggly bug to get information out of a captive.....
  21. Methinks Phoenix has been watching too much Star Trek?
  22. I think it is Poropanchax, but don't tell Wok, he has been entering the in the database a Aplocheilichthys! My normani like to hang around the surface. And the Bitaeniatum are all over the place depending on where the leaves of the anubias are to hide under!
  23. Zev

    name my rooster

    Hmmm... reminds me of the short NZ movie Noise Control. We used to call our chickens 'The Dook Dooks' Loopy.
  24. So Livingart, are you a sensitive individual, or just a kid?
  25. Hmmm, may have to work out what to bribe him with then! Hi jennybabe, and welcome to the forums - since Phoenix was so rude to omit this in his previous post.
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