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Everything posted by antwan

  1. We got a bunch of tadpoles a while ago and now have some frogs in a tank inside, here's a few pics of the biggest one, Daron.
  2. 4 Survived from that batch and are doing really well and going through puberty at the mo. Here's a little vid of what I think are two males sorting out who's boss. They had another group of 20+ free swimming fry but they went missing. They've spawned again tonight so hopefully this batch goes like the first. P.s. If you don't like the music in the video...mute it.
  3. Yea they're doing well, I've had to rip so many leaves off that sword plant from algae it's a real shame, it would look nice if it still had all of them. Hmm, I need another 1 or 2 species of stem plant for the back (I'm quite picky though :oops: , and definitely keen for balansae if you have some to sell (and/or barclaya if you have a secret stash somewhere, I won't tell :lol: ) I haven't had to trim the moss yet, but I will probably use the same technique. I have a good list going of who to contact for trifasciata, hopefully I can get a new tank this weekend for them!
  4. Java on the left few branches and xmas on the right few. Sorry I don't have any to spare at the moment, it's all algae ridden anyway..
  5. Thanks. I set this tank up just before Christmas so a couple of months. I wrapped the moss around the branches and then tied it up with cotton, works a treat and when the moss grows you can't see the cotton anymore. Hmm not sure about the brown and horrible, just got to make sure you have the right conditions I guess...all about the balance, which I am yet to find :-?
  6. I've been pretty lazy and haven't bought any more plants, but I should cos it needs more variety. I ended up getting a group of 7 threadfin rainbows (3m 4f) and they are a very cool fish, look awesome when they are displaying but sooo hard to get a good photo of. There's 4 baby apisto trifasciata in here that are over 1cm now and are trying to take on their mum in displays but get wasted. Staghorn algae has pretty much all gone but has been replaced with black algae. I want it gone but don't really want to deal with flourish again as I had a few fish die last time I used it to get rid of this stuff. Here's a pic I just took then, anyone care to guess what the brown thing is above the tank?
  7. I used to collect mine on the Kaimai's at the canoe club (after Poripori road the road goes up a hill and to the right, on the left side of the bend is a gravel area (if it's sunny lots of cars should be parked there), then you go down the steep driveway and to the river. Awesome swimming spot too so make sure you take your togs. If you can't find any there go back to Poripori road and have a look down there by the bridge. Good luck and happy hunting
  8. That sounds awesome! I had Ximena for physiology last year, she's a really good lecturer. Pity I have work at that time
  9. That looks awesome man! Those fish look really cool in that water.
  10. That looks good, and will look even better with the black background. My only suggestion would be to push the coconut into the gravel so then only entrance is that little hole. If your apisto's spawn in there it will be less area for her to guard which means more babies survive
  11. Apisto club sounds good, but I don't really think there's enough of us out there, but then again I reckon just a cichlid club would be too broad as there is such a diverse range that people get into (discus, africans - and all the various types of africans that people specialise in). So basically I'm in agreement with Ryan and Simon, but I too would definitely join the apisto club if it came about, and I do hope to get some of these new apisto's if they do actually come into the country, and it would be great to know where the rest of them are going too.
  12. Animal Antics in Tauranga had 2 VERY nice females in a few weeks ago, but no males. They used to be all over the place but seem to be declining..
  13. I would say so, surely someone on here would send you some clippings (if I had any I would). I can't believe how expensive some of these plants are getting these days..
  14. Ok here's my opinion: If you wanna completely overhaul your tank I would suggest a finer substrate and better placement of the plants; small at front and large at back instead of big plants everywhere. That would give a nice view of most of the plants you have in the tank. Maybe even cut down on a few species and have larger clumps of the remaining ones? Anywho those are just my thoughts
  15. 3 cockatoo's would be good as long as you have one male and two females, but I would keep the rams as just a pair. Your tank should be big enough to support this many if they all breed, what's the footprint of the tank? As the bigger the footprint the better really so they can stay out of each other's territory's. Oto's are a great addition to a planted tank. I would say stick the tetra's in first then slowly add the rest.
  16. Nice! They look awesome. None of the chch shops have any in stock which is a shame (I was hoping animates would have them for the buy one get one free thingy, but no). From what I've read it sounds like it's a pretty tough job raising the fry but I would like to give them a go too one day, good luck to you!
  17. Exactly what I've been thinking recently. I had never heard of it either until I saw your pics, then I got it real bad.
  18. No, it's not baby tears and yes it is around, well it used to be. I used to have some in my old planted tank a few years ago, but I haven't seen it since...just like barclaya :-? Maybe try ringing Organism? EDIT: added photo This was it
  19. I've had a massive battle with staghorn algae but I'm slowly getting the better of it. Due to a lack of funds I haven't bought many new plants, just the ozelot sword on the right, but once I get myself a job that will change. The fish are doing well too; the apisto's have a batch of fry swimming around and the tetra's spawn regularly. Supasi shared some pics a while ago of threadfin rainbowfish on Fishkeeper's and I think they are very pretty so a small group of them is on the list too.
  20. I just did a search on the net and it didn't bring up any photo's of Microsorium brassii, and with the limited info I could find it said that M. brassii is rarely collected. My plant book also calls it M. pteropus "narrow leaf".
  21. Mum's doing a good job. I need to sort myself out and hatch some brine shrimp now. Very exciting!
  22. Maybe the planted tank is not the best place for it straight off; how often do you do water changes, and how large? May not be vital but I'm pretty sure the frequent water changes are quite important.
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