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Everything posted by ryanjury

  1. ryanjury

    Fish ID

    Apparently Flavus used to be in the country, I haven't seen or heard of them being around lately though. I agree though the fish in the pictures t doesn't look right to me either. Usual story of someone getting some random mbuna and doing a google search and giving them an id based on some other random photos off the net would be my guess..
  2. Them and plenty of others Should be good.. Unsure what size they are as I haven't seen them since they were first imported..
  3. I haven't found a flaw with the aqua one filters they last forever and parts as cheap if you ever need to replace anything.
  4. I agree, in fact you may have issues with too much temp rather than not enough in summer.. I had to put a heatpump in my 20ft container to cool it not to heat because the tanks were getting over 30C with only 1 set of lights and an airpump going. Dehumidifier is a must have in a house, however it does add to the heat produced so you need to watch the heat building up.
  5. You may have issues getting meds through customs if they are "vet only" products, allot of products that are available over the counter overseas are controlled in nz
  6. What everyone else has said above, unfortunately they are just poorly bred/hybrid fish very common with electric yellows in NZ these days.
  7. +1 unfortunately dwarf gouarmis are known to do these sorts of things at times
  8. You would probably be best to find a couple more females if you were to buy them, brown hap males are very hard on the girls and only 1 girl might not work out so well.
  9. Nice fish! It is always good to see fish that I have bred grown up and looking happy and healthy I am glad that he found a good home for them..
  10. Is it quite skinny? Maybe google clown loach skinny disease (basicslly just worms) and see if it matches.
  11. They are best off with a thin layer of fine sand, but you can paint the bottom of the tank black and thru seem to settle quite well.
  12. Peacock of some sort.. With all the hybrids out there it is next to impossible to determine what it is exactly without knowing where it came from and what it was sold as, even then it is only a best guess unless it came from a reputable supplier or breeder.
  13. Yes :nfs: I'll reply to your pm..
  14. +1 not worth the risk..
  15. Redwoods is a store in Christchurch that imports their own fish, they get all sorts of cool stuff from time to time.. Nice list mate! Can't wait to see some pics, good luck with the breeding!
  16. ryanjury


    What's the name of the bird wormer with prazi in it?
  17. I am sure that Greg could cut you a new base for your tank and it wont cost much, I may miss something but I think if you were to just silicon another base underneath your existing one it may help support your one so that it doesn't get stressed and cracked.
  18. Price is about right for adults, would want to know exact numbers and sexes first, would also need a descent sized 4ft min probably bigger and I wouldn't thin any out, maybe a few males depending on male/female ratio but probably not a good idea with those smaller numbers..
  19. The correct answer if you want the tank to be less likely to leak/break is to replace the whole bottom. An internal patch might be a good option for a temporary repair. The biggest issue with this is that the glass has been compromised, all it needs to have done is to make a weakness in it it wont take much for it to crack across the bottom if it is stressed at all. So if you stick it on a slightly unlevel stand, or it gets flexed in an earthquake or even just in a random movement/someone walking past etc then it can go. None of the glass used in our tanks is perfect so this is always a risk, a chip or any damage makes it more likely but you would have to buy a lotto ticket if you wanted to try and determine how likely/unlikely it was.
  20. I would stick the obs with obs if I was you.. With the quality of zebras in nz you can pretty much guarantee your obs and your Reds aren't pure so you would get all sorts of randoms come out.
  21. ryanjury

    my Midas

    You Midas well share him?
  22. It was a good night, good to catch up with everyone and see some new faces too. I agree the food was awesome
  23. Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight I'll be late but I'll be there
  24. Yes and chocolate cake as well, can't believe I forgot about that..
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