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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Do a 50% water change each week-- less hassle, less money.
  2. Nothobranchius species. Gardneri blue, yellow, albino and nigeriatum will cross as will australe gold and chocolate. Males of different types are usually OK if you have lots of plants and they are a similar size. Females are too similar and can get mixed up and therefore inadvertently crossed.
  3. It is cabomba. The whorls go right around the stalk. Ambulia has like fans and is a lighter green.
  4. I have nigeriatum males in a four foot tank along with siamese algae eaters, clown loaches, sterbai cats and all are doing well. There are also choc and gold australe males. The tank is heavily planted and I think that keeps them a lot happier. I would stay away from different males and females becauseyou don't want them to cross and also nothos because they like a bit of salt and the plants are better off without it.
  5. I think people should do what works for them but why I did it that way was to make it easier to be clear about how many eggs you are getting and how many you are hatching. I was getting about 10% hatching each time--- others may have different results. Unless you know exactly how many eggs you have quoting % is meaningless.
  6. You need to do what works for you but I used to breed Nothos in 300x150x150mm tanks with a few mm of filtered sand in the bottom. After spawning remove fish and put whole contents through the net and all you have in the net is eggs. Place in peat and wait.
  7. When you use a UV after a filter (as you should) you need to make sure that the flow rate does not exceed that advised by the light manufacturer. There are critical factors with UV and contact time is one of them.
  8. The plantgeek site indicates the best position in the tank for each plant.
  9. If you seive out the fine stuff they are. Transparent but smaller than australe or gardneri. You want a seiveabout the hole size of the small tea strainers that you get in a set of three at the supermarket. If you can get a bigger one with he same mesh size life would be easier. Screen printers have SS mesh for those that are diy.
  10. I have a completely enclosed cabinet with the tubes in the hood and everything else in a draw underneath and it has been working well for about 25 years.
  11. When I was breeding Nothos I used to put the sand through a fine kitchen seive and keep the sand that passed through (wash thoroughly) If you get your net size right you will pass all the sand and keep the eggs. I like this method because you can easily count your eggs and keep track of your hatch rate. Don't forget they don't all hatch the first time so don't throw them out.
  12. I pack my turtle eggs in moist vermiculite in an incubator and mist spray periodically to keep the humidity up.
  13. I keep mine in 2 litre icecream containers and always have 4 on the go. I use it in conjunction with brine shrimp for fry and also feed it to my killies. I don't think it is as good in food value as brine shrimp nuplii but is still very good.
  14. Love the pics. I haven't kept kuhlis for years and bought 5 last week. You have a couple of baby angels I see.
  15. If you want to use CO2 you will need very little aeration and strong light. Most plants will grow quite well without it.
  16. I would be interested in getting some indica but have bought it from a number of sources and have found it to be the same as rotundifolia. So far I have not discovered any in NZ but would still like to get some.
  17. Teejay's design looks good or you can use a birds egg incubator without the turning mechanism
  18. There is another that does not grow so big but is rarely available called Sagittaria microfolia. In my tanks it does no exceed 30mm.
  19. They will have to be quarantined regardless
  20. You need a designated fish house that is listed in the gazette and approved by Maf and you will need to know how to cure diseases that you don't normally see in the shops because they have been treated in quarantine. You will need a good sense of humour in dealing with Maf and lots of moola.
  21. I am not familiar with mayaca. I don't grow it as it needs very strong light and soft acid water----none of which I have. I think the name Rotala relates to the way the leaves grow (they rotate around the stalk). Someone who has Mayaca may be able to confirm how the leaves grow around the stalk and see the comparison.
  22. I think it is more common with the blues and that is why some importers don't bring them in.
  23. The plantgeek site has some good pics under different light conditions.
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