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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I would try one male and one female and see how it goes. I used to seperate the sexes to condition the females up-- you will get more eggs that way. Sometimes if you have two females one will lay and the other eat. They do that with aggressive drivers like killies.
  2. I have bred them three ways. 1 In a bare tank and remove the parents before they eat the eggs 2 In a bare tank with marbles on the bottom so they can't eat the eggs 3 In a baretank with stainless steel mesh off the bottom so they can't eat the eggs. Your tank would be big enough to spawn them in but you would need bigger tanks to grow the fry out.
  3. Many of the plants about, particularly Echinodorus sp. are hybrids and obviously originate from Tropica.
  4. It is a male in a dress suit out on the town.
  5. 590mm is a tall tank and the light will possibly be OK for plants near the surface but will not be enough for plants at the bottom. If you increase the light and time that it is on you will need to make sure you are not using light that will encourage algae. I find daylight 6500K lights OK. The Flourish Excel works for me but it takes a while. I leave the lights as normal and only use normal dose with a 50% water change weekly to strip the nutrient. My tanks are heavily planted and lightly stocked with fish that are not heavily fed. You want to strip the nutrient with water changes and plant growth. The flourish has an inhibiting effect on algae as well. It is a bit of a catch 22 as you remove the flourish with water changes as well and that brings out my Scottish heritage.
  6. Glosso has short fine roots and is better in sand or very fine gravel.
  7. Have to agree. Don't know much about mondo grass but Ludwigia repens will convert OK to submersed growth but needs good light or it will rot off at the bottom. With good light it will go orange with red under the leaf.
  8. Alzeimers is a terrible thing---thank god I have forgotten what it is like.
  9. If the RTV adhesive is acid cure and has suitable for aquariums on the label it will not harm the fish in or out of water.
  10. Hopefully someone can ID them from pics.
  11. The balls go close to the root zone of heavy feeding plants lke Echinodorus sp. (Amazon Sword family) The plant you have bought has been grown emersed (out of water) by hydroponics. The pot and rock wool should be carefully removed and the plant put into the media in the tank with a JBL ball under it. You generally need pretty good light to convert plants from emersed to submersed. If you don't have a lot of light you could leave them on longer till the plant gets established.
  12. Planaria are normally on the glass and slide along like a slug. They may free swim as well but I think you should see them on the glass.
  13. Planaria feed on excessfood from overfeeding and turtles are messy feeders so they are a pretty natural occurance in a turtle tank. I am not sure if turtles will eat them but I don't think they would do any harm.
  14. You could sell the larger ones now cheap or grow them out to maturity for more hassle and money.
  15. I kept a set up for nearly 2 years but it was the second summer that cooked it. Good luck, they are worth the effort.
  16. As a complete aside, you can tell naturally fermented bubbly wines from the ones which have been carbonated later by the size of the bubbles that form. Natural fermentation gives smaller bubbles. The reason----pass.
  17. In my experience you would struggle in Christchurch without a chiller in the summer.
  18. If you are concerned you could add a bit extra to the top layer to give them somewhere to hide without disturbing the base. The plants will find the nutrient.
  19. Herons being waders would be a bit more difficult to stop I guess. Kingfishers need a perch so if you remove that they can be controlled but a heron would just wade in and have a good look around.
  20. The easiest test is to fill a glass with water from your tap. Try not to add any gravel, rocks, plant, or fish and see what happens.
  21. I used to buy nearly all rena gear 25 years ago and still have heaters going. I have a light timer/ feeder on one tank that is still operating well (it turns off the air pump for 5 mins when it feeds). I understand it became hard to get parts so they stopped importing them. In my view good quality stuff.
  22. You need to feed plants to apple snails not try to have them live together.
  23. The water from your tap has been under pressure (about 60 psi in the old currency) and so has more gas disolved in it just as a bottle of soft drink does. If you pour water from the tap into a glass you will see bubbles form on the glass as the gasses equalize pressure with the atmosphere.
  24. About a year down the track it all catches up and you will have that many fish you wont know what to do. I used to be setting them up to breed and hatching them every weekend. The Nothos grow at a surprising rate if you feed them well. I was selling guentheri at 6 weeks so I imagine these guys are similar. Good luck and don't forget they have a safety mechanism and only a percentage (I found about 10% with guentheri and palmquisti) will hatch the first time.
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