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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. My guess is that you live in what was the old Riccarton Borough.
  2. When I was breeding lots of fish I frequently spawned corries in a bare tank that I intended to raise other fry in. They act like snails and clean up the excess food from the bottom (but are better ooking I think). Your baby guppies and corries would go well together.
  3. Most people are paranoid about shit. I used to manage the sewage works when the operator was on leave so had pretty good access to the ponds. The operator used to tip me off when there was a daphnia bloom in the ponds so I only had to hold a net over the outlet to get a good bucket load. The fish loved it and never had a disease in all those years. The wife was never too happy with me freezing them into ice cubes.
  4. I have fed wild caught daphnia, bloodworm, mossies, tubifex, and all the other little creebies in a pond (including a sewage pond) and never had a problem yet.
  5. The contractors working on the water mains are supposed to sanitize the pipes with Cl2 before they are used again but often it is not very practical. If they do use it there could be a temporary peak in chlorine from time to time.
  6. Flouride is added to only some water supplies in NZ. It is added because it is lacking in our water and is necessary in the formation of tooth enamel. Chlorine is added to most water supplies by injection of the gas or as HTH solution which produces 80%chlorine by weight. Chlorine reacts with nitrogen componds in the water to form mono. di or tri chloramines. The more chlorine, the more it is pushed towards the trichloramines. Because Chlorine is a vey strong oxidising agent it reacts with all sorts of compounds in the water. The more contamination there is in the water the greater the chance that some other nasty compounds will be formed. In USA they react ammonia with chlorine to form mono chloramine and add that to the water as a disinfectant. It is not as good a disinfectant as chlorine but does not react to form the nasties. In NZ the Dept of Health requires Cl2 to be used. All chlorinated water supplies contain chloramines. The normal active ingredient in the neutralizers is sodium thiosulphate which neutralizes the chlorine but the other compounds I am not sure of.
  7. If the mains were replaced it is possible that soil or whatever entered the system at that stage. They probably (or should have) chlorinated before use but that would only kill bugs not remove phosphate. I understood that only the galv pipe from the main to house had been replaced.
  8. The pet shop probably buys theirs from the same wholesaler.
  9. My book says that A.distachyus has a white, pleasantly smelling flower that consists of two opposed spikes (flower stem splits into two flower heads --hence the name) It is suitable for temperate climate but better in a pond than tank because of the floating leaves. It is important to allow the tubecules to dry during the winter for a rest period. Plant in sand like water lillies. Grow it and see what the flower is like and report back.
  10. Interesting, but don't have a clue what it is.
  11. Many of the smaller electric sponge filters have an optional air intake that can suck air in with a venturi action or a spray bar. Both methods (as explained by conch) increase the total surface area and therefore increase the rate of exchange of CO2 & O2. Aeration is not necessary but allows a higher stocking rate of fish.
  12. You need to clean the glass properly,a cutter,straight edge, good wee tape, thin oil for cutter, sandstone or sandpaper to take the sharp edges off when cut. Most importantly a good flat surface to cut the glass on, and a bloody big tin to put the offcuts and cockups into.
  13. I have never seen it done but I guess you could heat a goldfish pond the same way as a swimming pool. Put in a pump and push the water through a heap of alkathene pipe in the sun. Would probably look a bit ugly but I think that would depend on where you could hide the pipes.
  14. I have a rena auto feeder I have had for over 20 years. It works off the mains, works the lights turns off the air pump before feeding and has fed flakes with no problems. Feeding continuously is likely to cause overfeeding. I feed heavily when raising young but not continuously.
  15. I have used 3mm for 150x150x150 for hatching angels eggs and 200x150x150 for spawning Nothos but I am with Barrie for any bigger, regardless of dividers. It is the height that is the main problem. Alright for lids but you would want to be careful.
  16. White clouds might be even better.
  17. You are corret Wasp. I asked a retired plumbing Inspector who assured me any leak from a water main would be out not in (unless there was a fire engine down the line pumping the hell out of it). My point was that the reading seemed very high for an artesian water supply running through greywacke and I wondered as to the accuracy of the test. Phosphate is often used as an indicator of organic pollution which would be unlikely under the circumstances.
  18. The fancy goldfish are not usually as hardy as comets and may pack a sad down hear in the winter. Comets, but less of might be the go.
  19. One degree is good. It must be a good heater.
  20. alanmin4304

    Sick Oranda

    The pine coning is a sign of dropsy which is water retention caused by kidney failure. It can have a number of causes but is generally not curable. I would normally destroy a fish with it as I think that is generally more humane than protracted treatment that usually doesn't work.
  21. I have had large, medium and small ponds with goldfish wcmm, livebearers and killies, with and without plant (not all in the same pond). It works very well with no filters or pumps. The oxygen level will improve with good surface area. Down here, in the real world, it pays to have an area of reasonable depth that wont freeze in the winter. I have a friend with wcmm I gave him to keep down the mossies that has 2 x half barrels and a smaller pond very heavily planted with lillies (leaves all over the surface) and the white clouds are happy and breeding like mad at the moment. Ignore the pet shops, they just want to sell you stuff.
  22. The only person downstream of the road to dwelling connection is you. How many bogs you got? The pressure is the same regardless of the pipe size.
  23. Sae's are better at eating algae when small and not fed well on alternative food.
  24. They usually have the oranda body shape but not the tail. They have reverted and if bred are likely to get worse.
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