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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Quinine is malaria treatment (good for white spot and velvet as well). Don't know if quinaldine is the same thing.
  2. It is a good book but like Mrs Google it doesn't pay to believe everything.
  3. Potomogeton crispus is the one we get round here and it has a floating leaf like this but the flower is different. No evidence of the crispate submersed leaves either.
  4. All is forgiven. You will never get to heaven now.
  5. Give up wishing for all the fish and plants we don't have and realy learn to make better use of what we have.
  6. That is the glue that rounds off the internal corners---the bit you repaired I guess.
  7. If they are albino they will have red eyes.
  8. Everyone has their own way to make tanks. I agree with Barrie. After cleaning I lay the bits out like an exploded drawing on a flat surface and then put all the glue on. Go right around the top edge of the base and on the edge of the front and back (where the pieces will come together). Then as Barrie said, back, end, end and front. You can use masking tape but sometimes it is hard to clean off after a weak so I prefer PVC insulation tape. After you have made a few hundred you will develop your own preferences. Squeeze the joints tight to exclude air bubbles as you tape,then run a fillet round all the inside angles and smooth off. The temptation is to use a lot of glue on the first one. You don't need much and it looks better as well.
  9. Wok you must be a busy boy. With teaching killies not to jump and whiteworms how to swim its a wonder you have time to squash a kiwifruit.
  10. I breed them and when you have a few in a tank they will happily sit and sun bathe but do a runner as soon as they see you and swim all over the place for a while like they are demented. I have never seen them with permanent psychological damage but when I talk to them they don't answer. They will feel more secure if they have places to hide. I would only put them outside in the summer in Dunedin. Mine are inside permanently in Christchurch
  11. I have used it and I think it is good stuff which should be used with the same respect as any other medication. I find the claim that it kills gram pos and neg bacteria but not the bacteria in the filter hard to swallow though.
  12. Anything that kills bacteria has to be toxic crap by its very nature.
  13. You are obviously on to it.
  14. The bacteria that are not gram positive are gram negative so that covers all bacteria which is a massive claim.
  15. You will need to refresh the media soon or get a bigger box. My big boxes (about 10x bigger than yours) go through a slice in two days. You must have a lot of worms in there.
  16. They drown in less than a day.
  17. I am sure they were trout but they hardly grew at all in 2 years. They went back to the river when I applied to import as I didn't think Maf would be too impressed seeing them in the pond. WCMM got given away as well.
  18. There are a lot of crook guppies out there.
  19. Thanks for that. It is not something in the water, it is what is missing. You will have to get more fish to use them up.
  20. It is probably an imbalance between PO4 & NO3. You may be low on nitrate due to no fish. When the nitrate is increased from the urea of the fish it may come right. I suspect that is partly what happens by adding barley straw (and if so may work better with pea straw---any one know?)
  21. I lived in Spreydon for many years. It doesn't matter how you pull it apart. I use one sided razor blades because they are thinner than a Stanley knife. Start where the knife will most easily fit between the joints. I don't use clamps, I use pvc insulation tape and Selleys RTV for aquariums (because it is the cheapest acid cure at Bunnings). Cut all the old RTV off the glass when dis assembled and wipe the joints with meths before re doing. It is easiest if you lay the glass out on a flat surface like an exploded drawing, put glue on all the joints then put together again. Once you have done one you will want to make the rest yourself, and wonder why you didn't in the past.
  22. If you don't have a clue what they are they will not be worth anything.
  23. If that is happening you are either feeding too much or dont have loaches.
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