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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Egg yolk is good food but it is realy easy to overfeed and polute the water. You need to keep the air warm above the tank as well. Easier in a fish house where the room is heated but a good lid can do the same thing. I used to use a drip feed system with infusoria 24/7 then gradually add brine shrimp nuplii as well.
  2. You are entitled to have a support person under any circumstances so that is not indicative of bad news. As stated earlier you cannot deal with anything until you know what it is so hang in there and good luck.
  3. If you want to be realy green and also amuse and educate the kids you could get a fly trap and frogs.
  4. Enjoy her heaps before she becomes a teenager and you want to give her back. Hope the cot has been cycled
  5. Being a natural product does not make a thing any less toxic. Some of the most toxic compounds out there are natural. One of the most toxic chemicals known is the toxin produced by the bacteria Botulinum which is the basis of botox so why people would want to paralyse their face with that is beyond me. The pyrethrum used in fly spray is synthetically produced otherwise there would be millions of hectares of daisies growing out there.
  6. It is not a plant seen in the shops down here much as the plants are normally grown emersed and no one seems to want to buy it in the emersed form.
  7. I don't like the idea of continuously breathing insecticide so only spray as required.
  8. It looks like a Myriophylum but I haven't kept them for years so don't know which one.
  9. Would have to agree. The shells don't look like reeves, the heads don't look like snakenecks and the shells are all the wrong colour so I would say neglected red ears. Should come back OK with some TLC.
  10. It has been grown submersed in moderate light. In strong light it would be redder and if emersed the leaves would be different. They rotate around the stalk (Rotala) and the leaves are round (rotundifolia)
  11. They are all tree frogs---whistlers, southern bells and green and golds, and all are strains
  12. They can vary a lot in colour but going by the size I would think whistler.
  13. It is hard to say. It is easier to come down than up so I would go for the max. The advantage of going with the union is that they have knowledge of any other settlements at that place or similar places to use for leverage or as a guideline.
  14. I can't see a whistle so it must be a female. Nice pics.
  15. It will be in the dark and will release CO2 so will be worse. Isn't that why they remove the flowers from the wards at night in the hospital (or is it to try and poison the nurses)?
  16. Whistlers handle the cold but not the heat. I don't think they survive outside in the top of the north Island
  17. I would worry about what that does to the frogs as they have very absorbent skin.
  18. Having the height as well might help
  19. I just love the way they say "Endorsed by the World Health Organization, homeopathy........." Which is true as homeopathy is endorsed by WHO but they do not endorse any products.
  20. It is also possible to negotiate the content of the reference as part of the settlement. Barrie is correct in that if they do not wish to employ him it would be a hard place to work and this is why my workmates ended up with a good reference and a cheque but no job. You can negotiate a compensatory payment which is not income and therefore not taxable or counted as income when applying for a benefit.
  21. In the real world we live in a capitalistic country where a persons success is largely judged by how much money they have. Have a look at the prices paid for some reptiles in NZ. Many of them can have the sex determined by incubation temperatures and there is often a shortage of one sex which pushes the price up. I would suspect that this is not accidental. Generally in time (and a shorter time with fish than some reptiles) the prices come down to something more sensible. It is all relative---diamonds are only carbon like the soot in your chimney.
  22. As LA says it is a good idea to record everything that was said as well as written so that it can be accepted as fact when the time comes much later to recall it. We were trained to keep a diary and record all stuff like that as part of the job and that is why so many workmates have walked away with a cheque. It is less formal than a normal court but if you can say that this is what the person said because I wrote it in my diary 5 minutes after the conversation it probably will hold more weight than an employer trying to recall stuff from memory. For some reason many employers seem to think that employment legislation does not apply to them and they will try to dismiss people for the wrong reason or in the wrong way. The legislation is there to protect both parties and does if applied properly. If you employ a tradesperson you expect them to be able to carry out the work legally and an employer and employee have that same responsibility in my view.
  23. Even though you have knowledge of law it is a specialised field and you will need advice from people with a good knowledge in that area. The union I was associated with for many years would take the case of non members for a fee and I have had some experience with workmates in this situation where each received a sum of money as a copensatory payment for wrongful dismissal but that is only useful if it is a good union with the required ability. The law requires that a particular process be gone through and most employers do not follow it. Sometimes this can be used as a way to dismiss someone they do not wish to employ so they may or may not get their job back. One friend has a case going at the moment and another got the best part of $100K. There is contract law covering the employment contract as well as employment law.
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