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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO



    Hi Monaro, Beautiful Tank, I luv ya Severum, I used to have some, but decided to change over to smaller fishies as I wanted a planted tank and with Severums being so big they not so good with real plants. Lynda
  2. Beautiful fish herefishiefishie, are these agressive? Can they be kept in a Community tank? Good Luck with the bubbies. Lynda
  3. Thanx for that guys, while give it ago. Lynda
  4. They look amazing Billaney, Keep up the great work. Lynda
  5. Hi Evil, Just remember, adjust these things slowly. I think the measurements are 1/2 teaspoons baking soda to every 100Ltrs. Lynda
  6. Well all I can say is "I WANT ONE" Good Luck with the next step, can't wait to see some pics. Lynda
  7. Hi Staplez, Congrats on having a breeding pair, I don't have Discus , but would really love to have a Discus tank set up someday, beautiful fish.I had this same thing happen with my 2 breeding Angels they would lay and then turn around and eat the eggs, hmmm not so good. Sometimes it takes a few goes for the Parents to actually become Good Parents, you could try removing the eggs and raising them in another tank, are these Discus in a Community Tank or just in a tank of their own, if they in a community they usually eat the eggs cause they think the tank mates are going to eat them. Good Luck with your next lot of eggies, hope it all goes well. Lynda
  8. Hi Casey, I forgot to add that your water tests look good, but i would try to get the Nitrite down to 0 if you can, you can do this by doing water changes, maybe 20% today and tomorrow, see how that goes. Good Luck. Lynda
  9. Hi Casey, Yes, I do buy my fishies from Grant at Levin Petworld, I also buy them from WetPets in Palmy, Did u manage to find a home for those 2 fishies u were wanting to get rid of? I find that as soon as there is a fishies that is looking a bit worse for wear, weither it be sick or what ever, the other fishies will pick st it untill it is dead then they will eat it, if I see this happening I will remove the poor fishie that is being picked at and put it out of it's misery. How's everything going with your tank now, no more dead fishies? Lynda
  10. Hi Monaro1, Really sorry to read about ya Midas and ya Flowerhorn, I do agree wif Caryl, if they are big Fishies would there not be more damage done, :-? have you tested ya water lately? Just a thought. Do hope ya get the problem sorted. Lynda
  11. I lined the inside of my fish tank lid with tin foil, made a huge difference to the amount of light reflecting. Works wonders. Lynda
  12. Sorry I cant view your pics either, whats happening? Lynda
  13. Excellent Work Apisto, keep it up, definitley well deserved. Lynda
  14. Hi Angel, U could try ringing the Pet Shop first, before you make the 1 1/2 hr trip there, plants need around 10-12 hours of light a day to keep healthy and strong, they also need Fertiliser and CO2. Good Luck Lynda
  15. Hi Guys and Merry Chrissy 2 U all, Can anyone recommend a good Plant Fertiliser, the last one I was using seemed to make my Tank Water go Cloudy, think the Brand was Aqua Master, not 100% sure tho and don't have any left now, so I thought I would buy one that has been used successfully by u guys. Thanks for ya help. Lynda
  16. Does anyone else here use the Sera CO2 system, these are tablets that are placed in a diffuser canister which holds on to the CO2 gas then it slowly disippates thru the special plastic cannister, I have had great success with this system, and sooo easy no messing around with mixing up yeast mixtures, just place a tablet in the diffuser and thats it, the tablet dissloves just like a Berrocca, then the gas is held in the cannister untill it is slowly released .I have been using 1 tablet every second day this is meant to maintain the CO2 in a 200ltr tank, mine is round the 330 ltr mark thought I might try 1 tablet everyday, has anyone had a play around with this to see what different results can be achieved? And is there the possibility that this will increase the growth of algae? Lynda
  17. I've had no problems at all keeping these two fishies together. :lol: Lynda
  18. Hi HUmmingBird, Just checked me Tap Water for Nitrates and it comes up as 0, so no thats not the problem, keep thinkin, lol it's slowly coming down anywayz so should be back to normal soon,hopefully. Thanks for the tip anywayz. Lynda
  19. If it was the post I'm thinking about, the advice was to run a piece of garden hose that had been sliced down one side and to place that over the edge of the glass at the top of the tank, then you place the tank lid on top of the hose. Hope this was the one you were looking for. Lynda :bounce:
  20. Problem is there aren't many Courier Companies out there that are actually Happy to Courier Live Fishies. Lynda
  21. Hi KeyholeX2, Sometimes it takes a few goes for the Parents of these babies to work out what they should be doing, as they say practice makes perfect, I had the same thing happening with my Angels, be patient and they might one day surprise you. Happy Fishing Lynda
  22. Must admit didn't even think of doing that, thanks for that HummingBird. Lynda

    WCMM"s DOA

    Hi Guys, Just like to share something with ya's, bought some WCMM's off Trade Me from Waterplants, excellent trader, not so sure about the people that handle the mail tho, received them this morning,they had been packed up pretty well in an ice-cream container, which unfortunately, somebody had by the looks of the container, stood on, and killed all but 1 fish , and I must admit he's not looking so healthy . I don't usually buy fish that need to be Couriered, but the Guy selling them assured me he had sent 100's of these fishies, like this with no problems what so ever. Well not in my case. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, if you do send or Courier these little creatures, PLEASE label the box LIVE FISH, this box had nothing on it at all too say, there were live fishies inside. Thankfully the Guy I bought them off has offered to replace them. Cheers Lynda
  24. Yep, checked the box and Sera Ferts container no Nitrates or Phosphates. Still cant work out why this has happened, doing water changes about every second day to try and get this problem under control, it's slowly coming down. :bounce: :bounce: Lynda


    Hi Brite and welcome to this wonderful forum, you will learn lots about your little fishies here and there is always helpful advice and tips available, I learn something new every day, and I have had my Tropical 4FT Tank for about 3 yrs. I have posted an answer to your post about your Guppies Dying. Happy Fishing Lynda
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