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Everything posted by Discusguru

  1. Welcome, no questions are silly. ron
  2. Why spend money when you can get free food ron
  3. When small the tank will be ok for 6 discus. Once they grow up then you'll need a bigger tank. Strain for solid colour are your red melon, blue diamond , golden discus. There is no discus club in nz. you could join a fish club to start off. cheers, ron
  4. Not for the first week. Infusoria in the green water will be fine. ron
  5. You coming over in weekend, the fishie are calling your name lol
  6. Depend on how often you feed them and waterchange when feeding bbs. When they hatch they are so tiny so I just pour some green water in. I start feeding bbs in the second week and JBL grano Mini after one month. Don't feed flakes cos they pollute water quicker if uneaten and not removed. ron
  7. Don't think so, left about 8 in the original 4 ltrs breeding tank and they're doing fine and growing well. They are the 8 I couldn't catch when I was moving about 250 frys to a bigger tank so I left them there. All three attempts hatch out heaps. It alway happen when I move them. Must be the different water parameter in the bigger tank. This time i'm going to breed them in a bigger tank and not move them to see what happen. Only if I can find a space for the tank. ron
  8. No idea :oops: probably abit of everything - depend on how the 3/4 crown come from. Personally, I dont do it :evil: . Prefer to breed true strain cheers, ron
  9. Discusguru


    from experience no problem. ron
  10. Yes, it's a male and a female. That small and they already have good crowning. Both are the red crowntail. Looks like my future breeder. None of the copper baby survive. Lost the second batch of them yesterday while moving them and rearranging the tanks to create more space. Don't know what they came down with. Will just have to keep trying. ron
  11. For halfmoon fighter the male have massive finnage and the female don't. ron
  12. Thanks, these are halfmoon fighters so don't know what you'll get crossing them with veiltail. ron
  13. From 2-3 cm or there about. Don't know about the ratio though . So many swimming around make me giddy lol. You'll have to come and have a look one day. ron
  14. It'll be fine. Put some plants in 1 end of the tank for the female to hide after spawning and get it out immediately after spawning. ron
  15. 30 gal is roughly 120 ltrs. Normally you need 2 watts per ltrs of water especially in colder areas. Add another 100 watts heater at the other end of the tank as suggested by snookie. Cheers, ron
  16. Should be ok provided your power hasn't been disconnected for not paying your bills. It's a matter of life and death isn't it ron
  17. You don't need any filter in a hospital tank. The med will kill off any good bacterial so is a waste of time. All you need is a heater and an airstone and daily waterchange. To set up your hospital tank : 1) Clean your tank 2) Fill it up with heated declorinated water 3) Put a heater and an airstone in 4) Put your fish in 5) Put whatever med you're going to use to treat whatever disease in 6) Do your daily waterchange and redose med where required. After treatment wash the tank and empty it. Dry it and store for latter uses. Simple and easy ron
  18. They will jump and good at it too. Any picture of your melano black fighters?? ron
  19. Nice clean melons . Good pair to breen with. ron
  20. some people like to try everything. Only fish I pit in discus show tank are cardinals , rummynose, corys, bristlenose, blue rams. ron
  21. Totally agree! doesn't matter how careful or how much wc you do. When it happen , it's usually very fast. Could be the water from wc that trigger it off. Happens to me too and I do at least 50% waterchange daily some times 100% and sometimes twice a day depending on feeding and stocking. ron
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