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Everything posted by fishy_t

  1. Limestone is GREAT Not sure about the sandstone though - would it might disintegrate....
  2. Yeah I had one with all kinds of tatra's and stuff and he was GREAT
  3. I've recently got an Eheim 1262 and I'm VERY happy with it virtually silent with great flow
  4. I guess the eggs could be sent through the post then... although its unlikely they are on the import list!
  5. My cousins in the UK have got some! But I've never seen them here...
  6. fishy_t

    Duboisi Fry

    They are looking awesome! How long will it be till they start getting their adult colouration?!
  7. Nice pics! The only trouble is I'm colour blind and it took me about 2 mins to find the red arrows! :oops: If you are want to try and identify your mystery bullies there is a really good native fish book you can get for only $15 from book shops - I think its called the Reed guide to NZ native fish... There is a hardback version for $40 but the soft is just as good! I know Whitcoulls always has it
  8. I know California Gerden Centre had it... you could try calling them...
  9. Sounds interesting! we might go up for the day but wouldn't saty the night - just a road trip to fit around work and a BBQ we are ment to be having!
  10. NOT mine! do you want some?!?!
  11. I've got; Cyphotilapia frontosa Julidochromis marlieri Neolamprologus pulcher Neolamprologus sexfasciatus (6 Bar Lamp) Neolamprologus tretocephalus (5 Bar Lamp)
  12. nice pic! maybe I will one day....
  13. I don't really have much of a clue about what lights you need, but I've been thinking about a native marine tank myself so let us know how it goes cause i'd be really interested! What are you going to keep in it?!
  14. Thanks for the heads up
  15. I've got one 6 bar Lamprologus that I would sell if anyone wants it - very healthy and a good size. I've tried to find it a few friends to try and breed with but no luck
  16. Thats what I thought, thanks!
  17. Aren't the rockppol ones different?! I'm not sure does anyone know?!
  18. I don't think they are illegal - not the native ones... in NZ when it comes to most things fishy you are allowed native ones but not small trout! If you have any luck breeding them let me know cause I was thinking about trying to get a colony going for my puffer to eat!
  19. Yeah I think you can find them in the stream by the biscuit factory in Lower Hutt (just by the road to Wainui) but I went to try and find some and couldn't... (I'm usually good at finding stuff like that!) Apparently you breed them by putting them in brackish water and you can even just do it in a bucket to make them drop their eggs - I'm sure there was a thread on it a while back... So just how big are they? How many did you get?!
  20. Maybe your puffer isn't an arrowhead then - cause mine spends about half the time in the sand! Its easy to make a mistake with identification - I was told mine was a Congo Puffer and went along with that for almost a year before finding out he's actually an arrowhead!
  21. Nah I didn't add anything to the water (don't like using chemicals anyway) but the tank is mainly rockwork with a wee bit of bog wood and the water is about pH 7.2. One thing I'd say from what I've found out is make sure you have a good depth of sand for him/her to bury himself in - I've been told that you should have it as deep as the fish is long so he can't bash himself on the bottom. Thats all I can think of at the moment!
  22. Hey Davidb I've got an arrowhead too! I give mine live food and he won't eat anything else - I've tried starving him for up to 3 weeks but he still wouldn't eat anything that wasn't alive! Do you have a pic of yours? Here's mine
  23. I keep mine with a featherfin (who is very friendly and always swimming around) and they are out and about the whole time too... Especially when you go up to the tank and they think they are going to be fed!
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