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Everything posted by fishy_t

  1. Yep he changes colour quite a bit, seems to get a bit darker just before dinner time. The tank it's self is pretty dark too with one white tube at the back and one blue tube at the front, which makes him look dark in some photos (combined with my crap fish photography skills) but he is more than happy... I'll be sad to see them go but want to try something new and I can only have the one tank at the mo
  2. There is a really good landscaping place in Happy Valley near the broklyn dump that has loads of really cool types of rock - not too expensive either - I'm sure they'd have slate...
  3. My flatmate works high up in trademe, and its allowed... I think its good too - I wouldn't want my fronts going to someone who couldn't look after them...
  4. ohhh! Congrats faran here is mine (left) and my flatmates (right)
  5. Haha thanks Not sure about beautiful - it think its a bit weird, but the point is its a fun camera and you can take some cool pics with it!
  6. haha! yes.... I'll tell you all when I see you, it's actually quality gosip!!
  7. Haha yeah there are lots on nice fish out there!!
  8. $50 each when they are tiny is pretty standard, they aren't cheap. And they got to about 25/30cm too so they need a big tank... They are a good fish to aim to keep once you’ve got some experience and are sure you want to keep big fish that need BIG tanks - I've been looking forward to keeping them for years and years now, and they haven't been a disappointment!
  9. do you mean mine? I do have a name!! They are called Frontosa(s) (hence the thread is called "My new Frontosa tank" )
  10. Yeah they are pretty good cameras, I talked my mum into getting one last year (so I can borrow it when I go snorkelling!) here's one I took with it at Able Tasman over chrissy They are a lot of fun!
  11. Ta When are you coming back to welly next? We'll have to catch up, so much has been going on!
  12. Oh and I keep forgetting to show you guys - this is pretty much an extension of me, and I thought you might appreciate my plate :
  13. OMG!!! It's the Stoff!! I didn't realise you were a fish geek!!! oh, this is me
  14. Good to hear it, I'm sure he's feeling safer now he's got some company
  15. Thanks guys I thought I might put a line of vallis along the back of the tank... any thoughts?! I'll either look good or ruin it but I'm not sure!!
  16. I've got 4 left at the mo, which should be OK for a while yet... Although if it does start to get too cramped I might have to sell of one more male (I've got 2m & 2f left). The females really are still WAY smaller than the males, so at the moment they have tonnes of room, but yeah - I'll play it by ear
  17. Hey guys, Just thought you might like to see my new tank! The fish are still getting settled in, but I think the tank is looking awesome! I've been wanting to set up a tank like this for 2 years now so I'm glad I've finally done it! It’s a 300l Jewel tank with flash T5 lights (one of them is a blue marine tube) and I’m very happy with it! The pics don’t really show the blue colour very well, in real life it's much more vivid!
  18. I've used scoria and it was great, you do need to wash it lots but it makes a great media and when I used it, it didn't mess with the water parameters as far I as could see...
  19. There is a good one in 'the valley' in brisbane if you are going there... they had a colony of wild fronts when I was there last year
  20. fishy_t


    Yeah for sure! Mine were in a community and going great with congo tetras, a few gouramis, corys and all sorts, but once they get big they get REALLY nasty. (actually REALLY nasty!)
  21. Ohhh! how exciting, good luck! Do you want a syno?! I'll give him to you if you want him, he's about 15cm and fully grown, so should be ok in your tank... I think they are good to have cause they do a good job of cleaning up extra food! let me know
  22. fishy_t


    They are VERY VERY aggressive!!!! Only get them if you want to keep them by themselves... I used to have some, a friend was looking after them for me and they killed one of his $100 plecs Now THATS expensive!!
  23. Very interesting, maybe Yellow's aren't so bad after all! :lol:
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