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Another newbie from Tauranga


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Hiya guys great site, want to say thanks to simfish who recomended this site to a trader on trademe and i thought i'd check it out!!

BRILLIANT!!! Hope to learn lots as i get more into it. I have a 30cm pleco"Suckie", 2x Golden angel fish to keep him(?) company and in a seperate tank to Axoytols, Ghost and Ebony, and two feeder fish. Great to have a look around the site. Ciao

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welcome! im a bit of a axie nut myself :lol:

you are welcome to pop along to our (WBAS) next meeting, its being held in te puke this time. last saturday of the month at 3pm but pm me for more details if you wish- we can send you a copy of the newsletter to give you come more info.

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Hiya mustcook, suckie is in a tank 900mmx450mmx445mm, with his two angels!!

Wow, you got your pleco some pet angels? What a novel idea! I suppose I could use that as an excuse for yet another tank....

Welcome to the ste and I hope you have a long and prosperous fish keeping experience, enrihed by the knowledge that we are able to share with you :)

Don't forget to join a local fish club. You'l meet others with your same passion and support this wonderful site at the same time!

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