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Planned power outage: What to do?

Aquarium Dude

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If this is a freshwater tank I would just leave it. Cover the tank with blankets, a duvet or pack it in polystyrene to keep the heat. Unless your house is really cold the tank temp won't alter too much. If you have a fire, keep it going and heat the whole room. The tank temp will match :wink:

6 hours won't bother them too much. Do not feed them the day before or during the cut. Do a partial water change after.

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If you have an internal filter or canister filter, remove it after the power goes off. Once the power comes back on, clean it thoroughly and put it back in service. If you have an undergravel filter, try to keep it running - don't know if a battery powered airpump has enough grunt...

Bacteria in filters start to die off after 30-45 minutes. After 4 hours almost all bacteria are dead and they start to go toxic. If the power comes back on with the filter still connected all the toxins wash straight into the tank. By removing the filter and cleaning it this problem is eliminated.

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Warren we cycled a canister filter on our tank then took it down to ChCh to our son to set up his tank. The filter would have been off for 6 hours minimum but we set it up, plugged it in and stocked the tank immediately. To date (almost 3 weeks) all is well and they have had no deaths in the new tank so I think a lot of the bacteria survived.

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If you are wishing to preserve the bacteria in your filter, make sure that you wash it with tank water, NOT house water.

If you are really worried about the heat loss, boil up the jug just b4 the power goes off and fill all available thermos flasks and then add this to the tank as required.

Maybe better to put it into floating bottles as heat exchanges tho.

You could also increase your tank temperature a little b4 power outage, but definately cover as caryl sugggests.

Have you got a gas operated camping stove or similar?

You could heat up water as required using this method too.

Years ago when tanks had slate bases and no heaterstats, the tanks were heated using a small flame underneath.

I wouldn't suggest doing this to a glass bottom, but a large outage a tile slate could be placed between the tank and the flame.

Bit impracticable if the tank is on a full stand covering the base tho.

Alan 104

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Simply remove some water and replace with hot water from your hot water cyclinder. Your cylinder will stay hotter longer than your tank and be at a higher temperature, so it won't take much. You may even have your cylinder insulated that will make it more effective. If it hasn't filled recently it should also be chlorine free. Do a bucket once or twice and you'll be right; of course make sure you don't add water that is too hot, especially as it is only 50L.


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  • 1 year later...

I know this has been gone over many times, what to do in power outage. Was trying to look up old posts, this was the first I found. Just a suggestion, maybe a sticky for this would be good??

Anyway, we are supposed to be getting a major storm starting sometime this evening, high winds & rain. Therefore, possibilty of power outage.

I understand about the blankets to keep heat in.

I did a water change today.

1) If power is out, for what length of time (approximately), would you say is a good time to remove filter from tank (all mine are hang on the back filters).

2) Should the the bio filter be sitting in bucket of tank water? Although, without the movement the bacteria will die anyway, right?

3) What about water changes? How much? How often?

Thanks all


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I'm sure noone will care about you running a lead to your neighbours (with their consent for a few hours, of course you should use an RCD or transformer or something like that and be aware of the weather..

And for only 6 hours im sure the tank will be fine, dont stress too much! Ive had mine with the power out for longer and just made sure the filters started again.. If your worried D/C it and clean it out with tank water and do a water change you will be fine.

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It is likely in your terms and conditions from your power company that it will state you cannot receive power from any neighbouring properties for your own use.

Should be ok provided your power hasn't been disconnected for not paying your bills. It's a matter of life and death isn't it :P


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Well, power was off for approximately 7 and half hours. I put blankets on tanks, so the temp pretty much stayed the same (not winter yet but was cold). Once the power was on I did water change, rinsed out filters (container part that is :-? ) rinsed out the filter media in tank water in bucket.

The last time I fed them was yesterday morning (before I read thread). Didn't feed them today (still Sunday here) which I don't do on Sunday anyway.

Do you recommend I test tanks over the next couple of days????

Thanks for all your help...very much appreciated as always :bow::bow:


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jayci whats so highly illegal about running an extention cord from the neighbours house? and who's going to catch you?

I don't undestand it properly. But different houses can be on different phases. If there is a fault, your house or the neighbours house is a gonna.

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Unless you're plugging the extension cord from an outlet in their house into one of the outlets in your house it's not going to matter. If you just have your tank plugged into the extension cord it's no different than if the tank was sitting in their house on a long extension cord.

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It is likely in your terms and conditions from your power company that it will state you cannot receive power from any neighbouring properties for your own use.

Its also likely that your Insurance Company will void any cover for losses unless you take 'every practicable step' to minimise loss. Just run a cord from your neighbours, or hire a generator for the day - or just get a battery powered airstone to keep the water moving and cover with blankets.

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