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fish loss


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someone commented recently on the number of fish brought into nz and the estimate of how many salties there are. so 2 questions if youd please;

how many fish have you bought in the last 12 months?

how many fish have you lost in the same period?(death only please :lol: )

ive bought 7 to set up my tank and lost 1.(murdered by my purple tang)

thanks. :)

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i have bought 2 foxface within 2 weeks. both died due to (in my believe) cyanide poisoning as both had great colour and were eating well until death. :(

no blame on LFS or importer as it is impossible to tell when they arrive. By being a poisoness fish to start with i guess the catchers in indonesia? just made it easier and safer for them to catch the fish.

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Over the last year? Ummm, Bought 3, lost 0. Over the life of my tank I've bought 9 lost 4. A yellow tang that never ate, a LMB that wouldn't eat once the algae was gone, a sebae clown that just died suddenly for no discernable reason and a firefish that I literally lost, never saw a corpse.

Let's not discuss the corals.:(

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I have purchased 12 and lost 7

lost four chromis, I can't work out what is happening to them but I think my coral bandit is eating them as they are small.

lost 2 x banggai cardinal as they would not eat.

lost a long skinny fish (not sure of its name) but he hid in the rock when moving tank and could not find him :cry:

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Last twelve months, all good, 11 more have gone in and two have come out. Lost 1 sailfin tang and 1 wrasse (jumper).

Since I first started keeping marines is a different story, lets just say my tanks don't have 50+ fish in them.

Lost at least nine fish to jumping (note to self, have good lids or hood) including two puffers at the same time (they used to chase each other all the time), 4 wrasses, another puffer and 2 tangs. I even had a clown jump out and land in my hands.

Lost another tang when a powerheads suction cups let go and it landed on it.

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I have had a couple of fish jump, in my old tanks, none so far in my current one (touch wood). Other loses have all been new fish that died within a couple of days, didn't adjust or arrived in poor condision, which is a common problem living so far from any decent marine shops. Oh and a blenny that didn't get on with my bi-color blenny, starved cause it could never get out to feed (lessen learnt from that one)

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Not too sure about the past 12 months but since I started reefing, I've bought 41 fish and I have 10 in my tank at the moment :cry::cry:

Geez its depressing when you put it on paper :(

The last one I lost was about 3 weeks ago when I found a very dried up bi-colour blennie on the glass lid :cry: he must have been travelling when he got into the atmosphere as he jumped across three light fittings to where I found him :o I've lost a few corals and anenomes too but lets not go there

I have lost a few that have gone blind - apparently - as there was no response to stimuli. Mainly clowns (3 of them over time). Has anyone else had fish go blind on them?

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Hey Cracker

You psychic too :o One of the ones I lost was a mandarin :lol: Many of the losses I put down to rank amateur over exhuberence and basically not having any idea when I started on this expensive path. Shame I didn't know about this forum back then. :cry:

Still have absolutely no idea why my clowns apparently went blind though. Its happened to three of them over the time.

Hey Ira, I lost two firefish that just vanished as well. Went a bit coy for a bit and hid in a hole only coming out occasionally - then pffft - gone :(

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Many of the losses I put down to rank amateur over exhuberence and basically not having any idea when I started on this expensive path. Shame I didn't know about this forum back then.

Ain't this true for us all? :oops:

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Hi Tel

About 5 1/2 years. Prior to that the only track record was one of those horrible plastic bowls with coloured lid and base with a couple of goldfish. Marines are just a tiny bit different :o

It is probably good that I didn't know about this site 2 years back before I had my house built - design may well have been different having seen the way some people have their set ups. My tank is fully self contained with sump, skimmer and refugium underneath. Only thing outside the tank is the chiller which was bought this summer. That was money well spent up here I can tell you. My crapper little stick on thermometer goes to 30 and wasn't coming below that. (I do have another thermometer! :D Chiller fixed all that though

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  • 3 weeks later...

been away for 3 days and come home to find the fish all quite shy, maybe because they havent seen anyone and got used to the quiet. the forcepiger is especially hard to find....until i blow him out by changing the streams angle :-? hes very dead.

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