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Strange Snails?


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Yep, the good old Malaysian Trumpet Snail. As people said on the site you linked to, they have advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is aerating the substrate, the main disadvantage is that you end up with millions of them!

Personally I don't like the way they look in a tank. Especially if you have dark substrate, you can see lots of white shells all over it. If you do regular gravel vacuuming you're clearing away the dead plant matter and aerating the substrate anyway, so no need for the snails.

Basically it's a matter of personal preference. At least they won't eat your plants.

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I actually like trumpet snails, and tried introducing them in my tank on purpose.

Unfortunately, they are not doing very well. Some died out, some remain alive, but it appears that they do not breed. I see occasionally one or two of them climbing the glass, but they are all the big ones that I introduced in the first place. No small ones.

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Clown loaches are the answer to get rid of them.

We had a swarm of snails in one of our tanks, so we moved the Clown Loaches over to the infested tank, and with in 3-5days all was left was empty shells.

Gotta love the Loaches, But be carefull if you get them as they are very seceptable to white spot, so quarantine them first if you are able.

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