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Fluval FX5


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So I jumped on an offer the other day for a Eheim Pro 2 2028 filter and then read up on the new Fluval FX5 and regretted the choice. Now, I knopw Fluvals are supposed to be noisier and less reliable, but what a filter!!!! I went to the LFS who had just gotten one in (someone ordered it on layby) and was really impressed by it, overall. Does anyone have one of these yet? How does it run? Would it be serious overkill for a 460L discus tank? I currently run a 204 and 404 on the tank with a nice calm water flow and hardly any surface agitation, so was a bit hesitant to install the 2028 but MAN am I glad I didn't!

Gonna be picking up the new FX5 and returning the 2028 early next week....

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I'm afraid it'll be too much for the 460L tank it's going in, but there's always room for improvement (bigger tank, that is)!!! Hoping it has a decent flow control to turn it down without killing the impeller.

As for the price, I just spent nearly that much on the 2028 (on sale) so it was an easy choice for me. $500 you say? I'm paying nearly $600.... one of the LFSes here had it for almost $700.... Aucks always seems to have much better prices. Best price I saw was $570 from PetPlanet, but I'm getting almost that same price with $20 in the little $10 gift vouchers you get back from Animates with the $600 purchase.

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Thanks for the heads up Robert, that's actually the price I originally picked up the 2028 for. Heck of a price drop from $740! The other LFSes around here have only had the 2028 down to $630 in the past so I imagine it'll never get any lower.

As far as the Aqua One filter goes, I've seen it before and it's just another Aqua One in my opinion. You should really check out the FX5s specs on the Hagen site. For the extra $70 it pushes "3500lph without load" but a more realistic 2200lph even under load. The Aqua One filter would drop to somewhere around 1500lph when under load.

My tank's gonna be well-filtered, yo!

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Aw, and I thought I was gonna be the "first kid on the block" with one :lol:

Filter should be here today or tomorrow. HOPEFULLY today. Will take pictures and post a review. I have a tank with a 10-12cm bracing on all sides so it'll be interesting getting it to fit properly....

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This thing practically IS a sump. I estimate a 30-40L capacity and the "SmartPump Technology" is cracker. It starts for 2 minutes, stops for 2 minutes to let any trapped air release.... then stops for 2 minutes once every 24 hours to release any trapped air and prevent air lock. If air lock occurs it stops automatically to fix itself. Very nifty.

It also has a purge valve on the bottom for releasing crud once a month and comes with an extra quick-release valve so you can attach a hose and pump out your water at 2500lph for a quick water change. MUCH faster than siphoning and VERY pleased with the water change taking me only half an hour (and some change) instead of over an hour like usual. With discus and water changes 2 or 3 times a week this will pay for itself very soon.

Let's see... what else to report... massive amounts of space for filter media. I added ceramic noodles, pumice and Bio-Zorb and still have room to add a Phosphate remover and other specialized media later on.

I wish I'd taken lots and lots of pictures during the setup but I spent so much time figuring how to rig it on my tank with the 12cm frame around the edges and narrow margins of space for hosing (this thing has some HUGE hoses) that I just couldn't be fussed. I also managed to install it so it hides very nicely among the plants - even with the HUGE intake strainer - so you won't see much from photos of it set up aside from the "tank" under the aquarium.

Here's the one and only pic I took during setup.... the "tiles" on the floor under it are 14cmx14cm, just so you get an idea of relative size.


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Hey Mooloo!

Just measured it up. Minimum space would be 60cm tall and 40cm wide. I'd give it an extra 5 or 10 cm height for disconnecting the quick release valves and hooking up drainage hose and 20cm width - need room to access the purge valve, and the pump unit sticks out an extra 15cm so you don't want to be cramped in case you need to fit that certain direction.

Sounds like you're gonna have one heck of a tank! 8ftx2ftx2ft? The output has completely adjustable two-directional nozzles so you'll have a good amount of water flow. What are you planning on putting in this monster tank, anyways?

Oh, small piece of advice. This filter only comes with the outer sponges. Be sure and purchase media for the middle parts of the three baskets. I found it a great place to chuck the media from one of the filters I was replacing, seeding it at the same time. If you do this, just be sure and use tank water when priming it so you don't kill the bacteria!

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Thanks BlueandKim, its going to be a african cichlid tank. The type from their is still up for debate, i have a mixed 4 ft at the moment which is a bit naughty but i am leaning toward Tanganyika for the Alto Comps as a starting point if i can find enough, but knowing me will no doubt mix in a few that i shouldn't. Once i learn how to take a descent photo i will put up some progress ones.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've had the FX5 up and running for about 12 days now and it's time to write a little review. This filter is excellent. My favourite part is the fact that the draining part of the water changes which I do twice a day takes me 2 minutes instead of the previous half hour. And yes, that's exactly the amount of time the filter runs for before shutting off as part of the "smart pump" feature. So I remove the return hose, hook up the drainage hose with the supplied extra quick connect thingy and point it out the window. 2 minutes later the filter shuts off and viola, 20% of the water is gone. The filter keeps draining at 1" hose siphon speeds even when off but if I need to up my water change to 40% (200L) I just unplug and replug and wait for it to stop again. Mind you, the pump is so quiet that you need to watch for all this taking place. The FX5 is actually quieter than the Fluval 404 that I have running next to it - the 404 only is there to keep the bacteria alive and well for the new owners this weekend.

What tweaks have I done? Well, hardly anything needed to be done aside from the directing the output nozzles towards the two walls of the corner it's sitting. The amount of current that this pump creates is HUGE. I had to look for a little while to find some 1" hose for the drainage hose but my LFS had sone Lee's brand 1" hose used for pumps for a good price so 3m of that only cost a few bucks. Good strong rubber like eheim tubing, as well.

What else can I say... my discus tank has never been cleaner. The strong steady current washes away anything that gets stirred up and the plants don't even sem to mind.

My next project will be the installation of a ceramic and glass CO2 diffuser directly below the filter outtakes. This will send the tiny CO2 bubbles to all corners of the tank and ensure there is no dead water and lack of circulation for it all.

Well, after 10 minutes of typing the water level is finally getting halfway filled again. Suppose I should look into creating a rainwater collection tank on the roof with solar heating so I just need to open a valve and the water fills the tank as fast as it drained. LOL. That'd be funny. 5 minute water change. Poor fish. 8)

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