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Landscapers start on my new pond tomorrow!


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Dropped 1cm overnight :cry:

At work all day so will have to talk to guys tonight to see what's next.

Perhaps they should leave it several days and see if it just drops a little (to show it is still just the top) or if it empties. It didn't last time mind you so I suspect it is still a problem at the top somewhere.

What do you mean 'on holiday again' wok? We don't get them very often, just weekends away usually.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Talked to the landscapers last night. They are still working on the problem. I don't think the pole is at fault now, just somewhere around the top of the rocks. It is better than it was, the water level has only dropped slightly and not as far as before but it is still a good 10cm lower than it should be.

We bought 2 yellow rubber duckies and a battery operated boat. Mummy duck falls over but baby floats nicely. Haven't tried out the boat yet :wink:

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Update. Pond is still leaking slightly. Luckily from the top, not the bottom 8)

It has been raining steadily and the rain has filled the pond faster than the leak has drained it so the level has risen a little overnight. It is about 10cm shy of where it should be and the guys will fix it. Not a lot they can do with this weather though as the pond needs to be drained and the sealant stuff set and dried.

Here is a pic as it is today (overcast drizzle and all).


Note the lovely green grass. We have never had that before!

Here are our first pond additions...



The fine bits floating around the boat are the leaves from the overhanging silk tree. I am hoping the fine leaves will break up quickly and not cause problems dropping into the water as I know overhanging trees can be a problem but like the look and didn't want to trim the tree.

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Ira is that you in the middle...or on the left...or on the right :lol: :lol:

Ahhhhhhhh, I like your rubber duckies Caryl...Zev probably does too, just won't admit it :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ok...I am loosing it...I know :-?

Caryl, your grass is so green :bow:

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ok, the ducks are cute.

Um.. they remind me of a song off Barney about ducks going off and dissappearing until there is only the mother left..

See Caper, I have also had childrens television inflicted upon me!

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I do hope your pond's leaky problems are solved soon. It must be getting very frustrating to say the least.

Or...perhaps it's sabotage, so you get to console the distraught landscapers? Aha! :wink:

Just kidding :). Your pond looks incredible and even though getting it there has been anything but straightforward, all the blood, sweat and buckets of tears will be worth it :).

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