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power bill


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i know this has been discussed before, but the search function isnt working on this site so i cant find the thread. so...

what does it approximately cost everyone in power each month? reason i ask is i just got a (surprising) and massive ($1,300) power bill in the mail. apparently the power company have been unable to do a reading for about the last YEAR so had been estimating my power and only (finally) got a reading a few weeks ago.

what is more likely the case though is the estimated readings they took were about right (less the fish tank) and i was under estimating what the fish tank costs to run! even so i have had some major rennovations done in the last few months so plenty of power tools running all day. still im keen to know a better "approximate" cost, or even hire one of those things that monitor power usage across a specific RCD - what are they called???

i also recall a link being posted on this site to work out approx. what it costs based on all the kit you're running. anyone have that handy?

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Wouldn't you think they would at least notify you to let you know they haven't been able to get in to read the meter, I mean why leave it 12mths, must have been abit of a shock, but then on the other hand I don't think $1300 for 12mths is bad, I pay round $300-400 a month, sometimes more, but then that's for a family of 6, so yours sounds pretty reasonable compared to mine, thank gudness mine gets read every other month, hmmm can't quite imagine receiving a power bill for around the $6000 mark for 12 mths. :-? :-? :-?


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but then on the other hand I don't think $1300 for 12mths is bad, I pay round $300-400 a month, sometimes more, but then that's for a family of 6,

dont forget that that is IN ADDITION to what im currently paying - which is about $200 - $240 a month. So total about $300 - $340 a month, and thats only a family of 4, and 2 in the family are 3 and under!!!

yeah cees, that was it thanks!

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Last year when we were living in Glenfield we got a $900 power bill, rang them and they said it hadn't been read for a year (sound familiar) we complained saying it's not our fault they haven't read the meter.

Took a bit but in the end they credited $500 so ended up at $400. :lol:

Certainly worth a crack for that much.

My advice, hassle them LOL

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We pay around $120 - 140 a month in winter, three people and one tank.

We have set up an auto payment for $30 a week. In the summer months we go into credit, then in winter, the credit usually gets used up.

Kinda nice to know that there will be no big suprise at the end of the month. :D

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genesis energy. its my fault - i dont blame them at all. they have come around to try and read it on several occasions. the cover for the meter is all hazy and cant read through it. i did clean it with turps early december though so it has been a couple of months. not surprised if the dude saw the address and thought f@#$k that!!! :D

so tell us what fancy "toys" do you have that suck so much power?

ahhh haaa haaaa haaaaaa!!!

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dont forget that that is IN ADDITION to what im currently paying - which is about $200 - $240 a month. So total about $300 - $340 a month, and thats only a family of 4, and 2 in the family are 3 and under!!!

yeah cees, that was it thanks!

my bills around the $300 a months, tanks have put it ups around the $120 each month.

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