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What Pleco do you have.


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Let me know of some of the rare or different breeds of pleco you have, its size and where you got it from? At the moment I have a 4" Goldspot who would be to large for my tank in a few years so I am looking at keeping several of the smaller species (mango, zebra etc) so let me know where I can find them.



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That auction has quite a bit of false info.Firstly they get 13cm.He says just add pots too breed NO!!these guys are really hard to breed in captivity.The smaller panaque sp tend to be hard to breed.Need wood in their diet and alot of patience is needed.Need a lot of cyclops to condition the female.But they are a cool species.A better plec would be a peckoltia sp or hypancistrus sp if you are wanting to breed.


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I have on the loricariidae side

1 colombian plec

25 GBA's

5 adult banded whips about 40 babies and more eggs on the way

5 L270 choc zebras

6 L52 butterfly plecs

2 LG6 whips with eggs

4 snowflake bn

4 twigs (gone tommorow)

1 royal whip

ye thats about it and you should be able to tell from my list that i mainly get things tha are breedable.


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Kyle, if you like breedable rare plecs you should think about getting some Panaque Vittata from NZ Discus. h(just realized that the auction is linked above) I REALLY need to get some of your plecs from you, you have a great collection!

As for us, we have a Panaque Nigrolineatus, typical albino (chocloate) pleco and a heap of BNs and just 4 GBAs. Both the Royal and regular pleco will soon outgrow the tanks, but I have a 500 Litre discus tank for one of them when that happens... the regular plec will prolly get sold before that tho.

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Hey guys just thought I would list some of my catfish for ya,

-2 gold nuggets

-3 lemon spot greens

-1 L128

-2 clown plecs

-2 queen arabesques

-2 mangos

-2 snowballs

-4 goldline royals

-15ish royal whiptail cats

-a couple of GBA's :wink:

and a few more....

Kyle, try not to sound so negative about the panaque on trademe. If no one trys to breed it, it would be a bit of a waste, dont ya reckon?

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Good to see listings of what people have,,

But to Panaque Vittata Its L 204 but size shown is over the top 130mm..

I have had them years ago and Yes breed them with tanks full of old rotting tree wood..{ ex my bush area } at 100mm or old 4''

They have been imported as young to grow to Aquarium Conditions..

Im selling some But keeping some to breed myself..

To Peckoltia Vittata its L 015 and is to small at 100mm and black bar is far wider..Panaque is nore pink bar and very fine.

There is general confusion about all these catfish..But regardless of New names like Hyp, Peck,para,.Do search on fish base and you will see hundreds of names under Hemiancistrus..

You mostly will not find new names because they have not been reg as so..

AS Importer spend 100's hours trying to cross ref these new names and cannot find who names new fish found..

Even Peru dont know and just name there own..

But back to breeding Panaque..They are so rare that i have others that did not even get to my lists..Im keeping to breed.

Also Peru Zebra { hemiancistrus } is had a growth jump here and with wellington customer.. { His words were { WOW } even at $95 are selling well..I do have guideline photo but very hard when camera crook..

Mail direct to get a look see..

But unless ya have a go .. Cheers Phill Collis

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Haha yeah mate i think i must have bin the guy you got your bristlenose from, hope they are goin well.

BlueandKim, yeah the L128 is being called a blue plec at the mo, have also herd it being called a phantom plec. Beautiful fish, I have seen them going for around $170. Just the same as the lemon spot with a different base colour, awesome fish.

Kyle, fair enough mate, i just dont really see people going out and buying that sort of thing unless the are sure about what they are doing or trying to achieve. Cheers,


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Im not calling that Peru are .. as i said very confused family..Dont forget shortly in this country .spp will not be allowed..

But no to that firm.. I have not had fish from them but have all there lists..Plus about 10 others from all over those countrys..25 years ago we imported from Balam Brazil via new york / La /Ak..

I have been breeding fish of all sorts for over 30 + years..Breed discus when Jack Wattley came to nz but i did not meet him..But we have had many mail to and fro..

The idea to breeding stocks in my view is must be young..so natural river conditions will be forgot..I have got Cardinal young { one Visiable}

But in saying all that..Its up to each buyer to have a go to breed fish or not to try and be a collector..Like many of my over 400 customers..

cheers Phill

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Hi well so far private people are just happy to have them..

They dont care to breed ..

But to Links name..I have all there .xls lists but have not purchased from them..Flight is longer..

But like i said ive been in fish that long ive forgotten many i breed..Including tropicals -goldfish -frogs- about at least 1.5 million fish..over 25 years .

Exported 15000 baby frogs one year,Also Wallabys.hedge hogs,possoms..

But The so called Hyp Zebra are actually from the old name of...

Hemiancistrus..The second name stays with me ...Re named not that long back..

Because now have name thats legal for nz im looking to bring some from Holland along with some real fancy Apisto's..

Yes Holland..25 hrs flight..better than Peru..Also some L 14 sunshine ,

L 091 Dragon Fin , L128 hemi , may be others ..

But Hemiancistrus { Hyp }

Zebra will be 120mm long..Just waiting for info about packing extra..

Will not be sold cheep..I cannot put prices on this forum..

Now lets be sencible here about asking questions..All enquires Must come direct to [email protected]..

Reason being...Its easier to supply q & answers in e mail form..Everone will get the same mail sent..so lets have your interest..If poor ill just get what i want..And may not sell any later.. Just like others i have keeped..

Cheers Phill Collis

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Pleco wise I have...

Goldspot Pleco

Gold Nugget Pleco

Peppermint Pleco

Candy Stripe Pleco

2 Snowflake Bristlenose(and about 200+ babies)

Royal Panaque

Royal Pleco

Golden Red Eye Pleco

Common Pleco (40cm and growing)

5 Common Bristlenose

and once i get some more space to set up tanks, I'll be adding to the list :)

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Hi Modern Angl, you have a nice collection there. Where all these purchased from your area? I dont see many of these in our LFS's in Auckland apart from the odd Goldspot and also not much in the $50 to $100 range its mainly over $120. So it will take a we while for me to get a few nice ones for my collection on my budget.

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