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How much is your power bill


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my tank

Total Watts used: 4450 watts

Watts per annum: 33580 hours per year

Kilowatt hours used: 33.58 kw/hrs

Lighting: $1284.8 per year (8030 kw/hrs)

Pumps: $560.64 per year (3504 kw/hrs)

Filtration: $350.4 per year (2190 kw/hrs)

Heating: $700.8 per year (4380 kw/hrs)

Other appliances: $560.64 per year (3504 kw/hrs)

TOTAL: $3457.28

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I'm not sold on that calculator, I don't think the heater calculator is right. Because is assumes it is on the whole time, did you guys change how many hours a day they ran?

Total Watts used: 840 watts

Watts per annum: 38690 hours per year

Kilowatt hours used: 38.69 kw/hrs

Lighting: $10.88 per year (182.5 kw/hrs)

Pumps: $0 per year (0 kw/hrs)

Filtration: $26.1 per year (438 kw/hrs)

Heating: $386.35 per year (6482.4 kw/hrs)

Other appliances: $0 per year (0 kw/hrs)

TOTAL: $423.33

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Ok i was thinking that. Cos mine hardly go on all summer. plus even during winter they're on and off. I'll recalc.

here we go

Total Watts used: 814.5 watts

Watts per annum: 38690 hours per year

Kilowatt hours used: 38.69 kw/hrs

Lighting: $49.25 per year (303.096 kw/hrs)

Pumps: $0 per year (0 kw/hrs)

Filtration: $56.8 per year (349.524 kw/hrs)

Heating: $438.91 per year (2701 kw/hrs)

Other appliances: $0 per year (0 kw/hrs)

TOTAL: $544.96

Savings: You could save money by switching supplier

this is using our 16.250 c/kWhr rate

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Ouch, no wonder our power bill is up there, and thats without the air conditioner keeping the atnk cool during the day!!!

Total Watts used: 1860 watts

Watts per annum: 35040 hours per year

Kilowatt hours used: 35.04 kw/hrs

Lighting: $868.44 per year (5263.3 kw/hrs)

Pumps: $260.17 per year (1576.8 kw/hrs)

Filtration: $0 per year (0 kw/hrs)

Heating: $361.35 per year (2190 kw/hrs)

Other appliances: $72.27 per year (438 kw/hrs)

TOTAL: $1562.23

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I had a $495 2 months ago and $350 last month. I neally die with that bill. We sit in the dark and read by the tank lights...

My tank can't cost that much to run but it all adds up.

Told the wife to dry her hair with a towel and hang the clothes on the line, we are still looking for the clothes line. I know its outside somewhere.

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Yep, it's now confirmed, the tanks are the culprit. Our power bill was usually a bit over $200.00 per month, but since I got my frag system going it's been over $400.00. So using that calculator it works out that the power to run the frag system is indeed around 2 grand annually. So I got to sell nearly 100 frags per year just to pay the power.

But I got to sell another 50 to pay for bulbs and then there is also other expenses. So over the last year I've sold around 200 frags, which means I've made-- wait for it-- around about zero money!

So I've finally decided, the frag system is coming down :( But I'll keep it going for 6 months I need a holding facility until my new tank's up.

Not a complete loss though all that aquaculturing of things i have learned a lot.

And one of the key things I'll be trying to design into my new tank will be energy efficiency. I may see if it's possible to pipe light in from outside.

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