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"stunning reef tank" on trade me

cookie extreme

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Are there any corals / livestock in tank, looks pretty bare? Any chance of better pics?

There are 2 x yellow tangs, 1 x blue tang, 1 other small blue fish. There is one rock with 5 growing anenome type things. Another 2 rocks have plants growing on them. We set up tank in November last year so was still working on water equilibriums and trialling what would take in tank.

Does it have a protein skimmer?? if not what form of nutrient export does the tank use??


A bit vague... I wonder what exactly this guy knows about the tank at all? Pretty cool with the TV right under the tank, but a bit distracting dontchathink? Starting bid is 4500, I'm sure his reserve is at least twice that...

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15G Sounds a little high don't you think? I would of thought about 5g would of been around the norm for something like that. Looks to be a nice tank though, a little unclear with the water or is that just the photo quality?

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Looks like all he basically has spent the money on is an expensive tank and stand if it's a "Professional" one. They tend to be pretty pricy. Say that would have been $4K new. Oh, it says it was custom made. So make that $1500. And the liverock would have been heaps, looks like he has maybe 100 kilos? So that's about $1000 there. $600 retail for the "Massive eheim" pumps say $100 each for the other powerheads. $450 for the fish. He doesn't list the skimmer put it's probably a pretty cheap one so say $400. And say $300 for the sump and plumbing. So my wild ass guess is it would have cost him somewhere around...Comes out to $4650 all new retail for what he has.

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Shucks, I'll play on his team as it seems a bit lop sided.... :D

It is a 800 litre tank and in 20mm glass would cost a lot more than your standard tank.

2m long by 1m high, compare it to the door on the right, not fantastic at guessing amount of rock in Kg but could be a lot more than 100kg, did we count the sand :D

Seems to have 3 MH fittings over that tank too, one would think 400 watters for a meter deep tank.

What makes you think it a cheap skimmer, It doesn't look to me as if they would skimp on a skimmer.

Of course all speculation, what amazes me that somebody puts up a big ticket item with such a simple description of what being sold.

Guess I'm going to have to ask some question on the auction

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Shucks, I'll play on his team as it seems a bit lop sided.... :D

It is a 800 litre tank and in 20mm glass would cost a lot more than your standard tank.

2m long by 1m high, compare it to the door on the right, not fantastic at guessing amount of rock in Kg but could be a lot more than 100kg, did we count the sand :D

Seems to have 3 MH fittings over that tank too, one would think 400 watters for a meter deep tank.

What makes you think it a cheap skimmer, It doesn't look to me as if they would skimp on a skimmer.

Of course all speculation, what amazes me that somebody puts up a big ticket item with such a simple description of what being sold.

Guess I'm going to have to ask some question on the auction

It doesn't have MHs, it only has a couple 4 foot flouros. Maybe T5s, but not likely. 20mm glass would be overkill and I doubt it is.

Edit: If it really is a meter tall then 20mm wouldn't be overkill. It's hard to say since he doesn't say how tall the TANK is, looks like he's talking about the entire stand when he says 1.8 meters.

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Take that back, I have a garage with a concrete floor :lol:

And I could still use the 150's, anything that falls to the bottom is on its own anyway, no chance of reaching it.

I don't have a clue to it's value as I have no idea of what is being sold.

Neither does the seller by the looks of things :D

Having said that, here's my stab in the dark :D

Tank $1500

Stand & Hood $1500

Sump $150

Eheim Return pumps $600

Plumbing $200

Circulation Pumps $600

Heaters $150

3xMH pendants $2000

8 x 1.2 fluros $400

Skimmer $1500

Rock (200kg) $1500

Sand (couple of sacks) $100

Test kits $200

Nets/hydrometer $50

Multi boards $100

Timers $50

Salt $200

Fish $400

Coral etc $?????

So my total $11200 (sure adds up fast)

Obviously its superior because you can out your TV under it :wink:

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U sure theyre halides I wonder if they are halogen as he states

Wouldn't have a clue, just having a stab in the dark like everybody else :wink:

Going on the descriptions of the corals and anemones the owners gave, I don't think they have an intimate knowledge on livestock.

I have then sumised they don't have an intimate knowledge on equipment, ergo I tranlate the term "halogen" as MH.

If they are halogens, it be interesting to find out who the experts who set the tank up are.

Personally, I think the dimensions of the tank are fine for a Reef Tank, it all comes down to how you set it up and stock it.

Whats "stoopid"?

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AW you have a new tank yet?

Everything but!

Not to worry though, I've enlisted the help of Cookie extreme to hold corals for me :D

Maybe I should just rent a section in his tank as an interim :wink:

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I've enlisted the help of Cookie extreme to hold corals for me

Maybe I should just rent a section in his tank as an interim

free corals, free coral or coral frags anyone, i have plenty, not mine but hey. :D:D

also cookie extreme coral parking lot. $7 for acro's per month

$9 for medium leathers, and $50 plus for aptasia. :D blastos's and any other unusual corals the parking is free, but no warranty to knife damage. :lol:

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