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Oscar and convict cichlid


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Here he is:




not the best photos ever but better than the last one, yes the tank is bare, i still cant find the substrate i want to use and a good source of natural rock to use for hardscaping

Also his tankmate, my first oscar


Whats ripping at the oscar?

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I'd say very bad condition. Just from that pic I'd say he'd be dying soon, I certainly wouldn't have bought him or anything from the same tank. Surprised they sold him in that bad of condition.

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your convict looks nice and healthy, but not even close to being top quality. don't feel bad though. so many convicts are inbred/bad genetics nowadays that it's hard to find quality specimens.

that oscar looks a bit sad. something has been nipping at his fins. also, healthy oscars do not have black around the edges of their fins, this happens when oscars are not in fine health. all this probably happened in the shop you got him from.

oscars are very tough, resilient fish though, keep him in a tank by himself for now, if he is gonna recover he will recover quick. if he's gonna die he will die quick too. but i think he will be ok, don't pay any attention to these negative nancys. get some ox heart in him if you can, and keep up with water changes.

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thanks Disgustipated, ill see if I can locate some ox heart, otherwise it will be bloodworms, flakes and shrimp pallets i guess.

The water is good in the tank, 0 on all three normal fronts

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i've kept all types of oscars and noticed that the tips of their fins go black when they are in shoddy conditions. many think that it is normal for oscars to have black fins. but i believe it it only due to bad conditions. because healthy oscars never have black fin tips.

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that entire tank is being installed into the lounge this weekend (currently in garage) It will be decked out with nice substrate and ill be building some rock structures with hiding places

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Could an admin please separate out them posts relating to my oscar? i'd like to make some updates on him but dont want to keep cluttering up this Convict thread.

update on the Oscar, I just did a 25% (100 litre) water change on the tank and spend time time wacting him/or her, the black on the rear fins seems to be fading, he is eating well... bloodworms for breakfast today and he seemed pretty happy to chase them in the current of the filter return like prey then pounce on them.

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how's the oscar doing?

Just went to check on them in the garage, oscar is looking ok, swimming around really well playing in the current from the filter outlet (i need to install a spraybar)

I fed Fred and Oscar a few shrimp pallets before turning lights out for the night and he hooned over from the other side of the tank to attack one, looks to have eaten it in one shot, im really keen to see this guy pull through

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