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What to do, with my options? Planted Vs Arowana


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So sometime soon I am going to have two empty tanks. I want to do an Aro and friends tank and a High-tech planted tank.

the two tanks I have for the choice are as followed

First tank:

1700 L x 610H x 700 W, It has a hole drilled in the back right hand side for sump plumbing.

Second tank:

1500 L x 650 H x 700 W, currently running an FX5 filter system.

I am aware that Aro's get big and probably out grow either tank, when this occurs I would consider selling it getting a bigger tank :thup:

One of these tanks will be in my fish room in the garage, the other will be in the study/office, but that will be decided on later after I choose plans and fish

I dont have any current thoughts on stocking these tanks other then one will have a aro, and both will have some fancy plecos in it to suit on other fish selection , but the main objective rite now is too work out what tanks will be better for my up coming tank plans.

So any thoughts, theorys, critisicm ( on my plans not me or my spelling :slfg: ), first hand experience, or websites to look at

Thanks in advance


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how long would it take for it to out grow either tank?

Depends on the species IMO, silvers are the cheapest but also the fastest and largest growing. IMO if you went for either a black or asian in the 1700x700 footprint tank you'd have around 2-3 years depending on how fast the fish grows. The 700 width is good, but the length will be starting to get a little short when the fish hits 2' IMO, I've found aros tend to get spooked easier and damage themselves more when they have less room to move.

I think black aro + discus + plants is an awesome combo!

http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forum ... and-Discus

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