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Hi from Eden Terrace :)


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Hi there,

I have to be honest, my initial motiviation for signing up was to pick the brains of some locals (I mean, honestly, the US forums are great and all, but I get so tired of a) converting everything to imperial, b) explaining that equipment and fish are often way more expensive here in NZ and c) that I am absolutely sure that my tapwater is NO3/PO4 free lol)

Anyway, it seemed kind of overly forthright to just ask a question and not introduce myself!

I'm an apartment dweller in Eden Terrace (in Auckland), along with my flatmate (who also owns fish) and my partner (who is very long suffering, prefers puppies and thinks we're both mad). We're all doing PhDs, so we have, perhaps unsurprisingly, been compared to the crew from the Big Bang Theory by a disturbing number of people - although there is some dispute as to whether my partner is Howard or Leonard, as well as which of my flatmate and I is opinionated and mouthy enough to be Sheldon ;)

At the moment, we have 116L and 152L freshwater community tanks, and I've recently converted an old AquaOne AR620T to saltwater (which isn't working out so well, so that's what the question I intend to post on the Saltwater forums is about).

I kept fish as a teenager, and recently got back into it (around 18 months ago) - after some initial chemical problems (caused by Auckland's incredibly soft water) the freshwater aquariums, at least, are going great :D

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Hi :)

My PhD is in Sociolinguistics at the UoA (so nothing fish related at all! I did do a BSc in BioMed tho, in addition to my Linguistics undergrad, which has proven quite helpful in understanding some of the fish related stuff!)

Sociolinguistics is what exactly? :facepalm:

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you should study my missus, here way of speaking depends full on what time of day it is, in the morning "mrmrmmmummmrm"

middle of the day "can I have your credit card", night time "have you cleaned the bathroom, stop playing with those fish, did you drink my vodka. seriously leave the fish alone, your tanks waste power"(that was one sentence last night....)

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Is that a spin off of sociology, in the sense of another branch of it?

It's more linguistics than it is sociology (and all of my undergrad was in linguistics) *but* it does include a certain amount of sociology and social psychology (particularly in terms of people's attitudes, beliefs, motivations re: language)

Sorry, I hope that makes sense lol

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