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IF I upgraded to a bigger tank...


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and this is a big IF... suppose I got 1 tank that was about 90cm x 30x30 - approx 81 litres...or something up to 90L.. could I just put both my 45L eheim pickups in there? Space and eyesores aside, might that work to phase in what would be (for me) a costly exercise by the time I bought bigger tank, more substrate and a new light fitting? I think 1 external filter would likely be better in the long run. Any thoughts?

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and this is a big IF... suppose I got 1 tank that was about 90cm x 30x30 - approx 81 litres...or something up to 90L.. could I just put both my 45L eheim pickups in there? Space and eyesores aside, might that work to phase in what would be (for me) a costly exercise by the time I bought bigger tank, more substrate and a new light fitting? I think 1 external filter would likely be better in the long run. Any thoughts?

Why bother with such a tiny tank? Go to at least a 1200X600X600. :)

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and this is a big IF... suppose I got 1 tank that was about 90cm x 30x30 - approx 81 litres...or something up to 90L.. could I just put both my 45L eheim pickups in there?

You can put in as many filters as you like. Having two filters means redundancy in case one dies. And you clean alternate filters.

And you can cut down the amount of artificial lighting needed with some controlled sunlight.

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I think it would work for a little while, especially if you had low stocking numbers. But if you need I have a spare eheim 2010 (should to 80L easy)) sitting unused if you want to borrow for a while to ease the transition or to buy time until you get an external.

do it... :lol:

It is a snowballing thing tho, bigger tank... then bigger filter, longer lights.... then need more plants...... and more fish to fill the empty space


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