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Concrete is fun


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More pics today. Fortunately the damage to the concrete from the storm wasn't too bad. A few patches torn up under the gutters where they overflowed were about it. And a few footprints of that should scrub off with a bit of work from running around on it covering with tarps to protect it from the storm.



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spa pooooollll !drool:

Also I need another photo of the furry supervisor please :spop:

what's that cage in the grass - is that for when you are a naughty Ira?

That used to be in case we had children visiting, we could throw them in the cage.

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He IS a gorgous cat Ira...the other kitty hiding out looks like the same kind?

AND that is a picture of you is it... :sml1: :sml1: :sml1: :sml1: :sml1: Come on now, show us the REAL Ira :spop:

Better watch you don't get your lightsabre wet :wink:

Caper :P

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