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Hi all, I had a big rootcanal done in 2008 at the end of the year, yesterday I went to the dentist (different one, my old one does not give you the calming tab anymore) and she said that the fluids used to close the rootcanal had leaked and it has over time caused such bad inflamation that the tooth was being eaten away and now my gums are infected, she said its deffinetly an error on how the rootcanal was done, now I have to pay 1600 dollars to see a specialist (normal dentist can't do it) and have a re rootcanal done. Do I have any rights to make the other dentist pay atleast part of it or am I a sitting duck?

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Hmmm Calming tablet, never had one of these with the 2 Root Canal's I've had.

I had a root canal done on the 29th Dec then 4 weeks later it was refilled, Before the Root Canal was done I had an old filling removed as my dentist thought maybe this was what was causing the pain $380 later for a new filling. Few weeks later I went back to say that I'm still having problems, at that stage a Root Canal was done at the price of $890 minus the $360 that I had paid a few weeks before to have the old filling removed and refilled, never had any probs with both of the root canals I've had.

I would go back to the dentist that did the orginal work on your tooth and talk it over with them, I think most certainly they should be made to either put it right or send you off to someone else that you will have abit more confidence in going too.

Good Luck

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Lyndiloo like some people won't pet a snake or scorpion because of fear, that is how I am with dentist, I absolutely fear them something terrible :facepalm: I went back to the dentist and she went over to Aussie some time ago so now the practice just stare at me when I tell them it was their fault.

Graham I might give acc a call

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I do feel for you Mcrudd, I used to be abiy like this when it came to the dentist, the dentist I have now is amazing which has most certainly made me feel alot more comfortable with going to see him.

Pretty disgusting really that the place where this dentist used to practice doesn't want to have anything to do with it aye :an!gry

Threaten them with Fair Go :dunno:

Surprising how they get the problems aolved when the could have been solved without the use of them to begin with.

I guess apart from that Talk to your Lawyer or as Graham said ACC claim for medical misadventure, admittedly I have been down this road with ACC after the birth of my 2nd boy, they didn't want to know me or the issue I had.

Good Luck

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You can definitely sue in NZ. It's just that the payoff isn't as great as what it is in the states where suing is common and part of society.

You can definitely sue for malpractice if you can build a strong case. Need money for lawyers though and that's why suing people has never been that common in NZ.

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I would agree with the other posters. Do the ACC form. Good luck! I think that is terrible :o(

I've had a root canal done too. And since then, the filling has broken, because the dentist didn't put a cap on the tooth. I only have about 1/3 of the tooth and a big hole. I've done with paying for something that doesn't last. Waste of money. I have asked him twice to remove the tooth and he won't so I am not spending any more money on it.

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