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My Juwel Vision 180 Marine Tank


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So after seeing David R's marine tank I decided to set up my own.

I've decided to use my Juwel Vision 180. I'm going to use Red Sea salt, Ehiem heater, Marine white and blue light tubes, the Juwel filter plus an external filter.

Dad has made me an awesome stand which I plan on painting today. I'm not old enough to buy spray paint so mummy has to get it for me :rotf:

Pictures to come

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So after seeing David R's marine tank I decided to set up my own.

I've decided to use my Juwel Vision 180. I'm going to use Red Sea salt, Ehiem heater, Marine white and blue light tubes, the Juwel filter plus an external filter.

Dad has made me an awesome stand which I plan on painting today. I'm not old enough to buy spray paint so mummy has to get it for me :rotf:

Pictures to come

:sml1: :sml1: , good ide , any idea of what fish you getting for it later on?

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Why use the filters? I have a Juwel tank as marine and ripped out the built in filter. Running a Deltec HOB skimmer instead.

Is what I was advised to do.

Whats one of those worth?

I wondered what happened to that tank. Good call, welcome to the darkside :)

Been sitting around too long and I was going to do a small marine but got talked into a bigger one :D

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A skimmer is worth whatever the most is you can afford to spend on it :P

I was asking those kind of questions 6 months ago and everyone told me to buy the best skimmer I could afford and I won't regret it. I now have a reasonable skimmer and I certainly don't regret it.

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I was going to use the internal for water flow+bio chem zorb+mechanical and the external is because I was told to use it by one of my colleagues who has done marine at home and used to work in our store when we sold marines.

Protein skimmer sounds good. Was planning on getting one at some stage. What does everybody think of the aqua one ones?

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I was going to use the internal for water flow+bio chem zorb+mechanical and the external is because I was told to use it by one of my colleagues who has done marine at home and used to work in our store when we sold marines.

Protein skimmer sounds good. Was planning on getting one at some stage. What does everybody think of the aqua one ones?

I asked that question about the aqua one skimmers and got so many people telling me not to be cheap and get something good.

Bubble Magus are really good value for money and was what people recommended I get unless I could afford something like a Deltec (which is what I have). Deep Blue Aquarium are the BM sellers in NZ and you can get the Bubble Magus NAC5E Skimmer which is a hang on back skimmer you could mount onto a Juwel. They're only $239.90. Rated 300 - 500L so plenty for a tank your size.

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