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silicone disappearing?


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This may be a bit random but, I'm sure my venustus is pulling off the silicone beads in each corner of my tank. It seems to be disappearing and its only started since i put him in the tank and i've noticed him poking round in the corners every now and then. Anyone else come across this?

On a more important note will it start to effect the tank, last thing i need is a corner giving way and emptying my tank all over the floor?

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This may be a bit random but, I'm sure my venustus is pulling off the silicone beads in each corner of my tank. It seems to be disappearing and its only started since i put him in the tank and i've noticed him poking round in the corners every now and then. Anyone else come across this?

On a more important note will it start to effect the tank, last thing i need is a corner giving way and emptying my tank all over the floor?

He just had too much, lost all his friends and family when he was kidnapped by a stranger and forced to live in a wierd new place. May you should get him some professionals to help him deal with it before he does manage to get through the silicone and drain the tank. Suicidal fish is a serious and often overlooked issue.

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I don't think so i think he is just being a prick. He's pulled most of the edges off on all 4 sidessilicone.jpg

Youu can sorta see the back corner as well where he has been nibbling at it, he must be suicidal cause if he keeps this up his house is gonna fall down around him. Think i might have to rehome him. If he keeps going will he do any damage to the tank.

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Yeah me too. I'm worried about the tank more than the mentally challanged fish. At the moment its just the edges. I'm hoping the bead is to thick to pull off the closer into the corner, but if he does mamage to get more off the edges will it compromise the strength of the silicone..

Outta interest, is there a silicone you can use that will bond over the existing bead or do you have to scrape it all off and redo from scratch?

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as long as there is silicone between the glass panels the silicone on the inside is doing very little. there should be a gap between the end of one panel and face of the other. the silicone on the inside could be removed without any issues. as for the giraffe, he sounds like catfood. :D

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Think i will try and trim the edges with a razor blade hopefully that'll get rid of any tatty ends so he can't get his chompers onto any stray bits. I'll take him out for a meal and book him into phychiatrist, def some unresolved issues

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