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My puppy dog Sherlock


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Anti-raw people tend to be against it mostly because it's ingrained in them that dogs should eat dog food and anything else is wrong. Proper arguments against raw tend to talk about the bacteria on raw meat and dogs choking on bones.

Pro-raw people say that dogs are carnivores, so they should be eating meat with only <10% of other foods, whereas commercial food is mostly grains with very little actual meat, or what meat they do have tend to be made from meat that's not fit for human consumption. Their counter argument against the bacteria thing is that only a very rare few will have problems if you are feeding human grade meat and prepare it with the basic hygiene you would for your own meals. Since dogs digestive tracts are heaps shorter than ours, any bacteria in the food tends to come out the other end before they can take hold in the stomach. They also say that raw bones almost never cause any problems, only cooked ones, and raw feeding cleans teeth like nothing else. Since I had my cat tried it, and she did really well. I think the raw would be good for the dog :).

BTW the cat is scared of the puppy, who is half her size xD. She's getting a little braver though and actually coming inside a bit, unlike in the morning. The puppy on the other hand just seems to want to play with the cat. I don't think he really recognizes that the cat's not a dog. I'm hoping they'll get to be the best of friends.

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Okay, he's been so good the last 2 days but today he's driving me crazy! he's had 10+ accidents today and I can't figure why. Puppy = toilet problems, I expected that, but I have the feeling I must be doing something very wrong for him to have gotten so bad all of a sudden. The first day he was here, he'd bark to go outside and only peed and pooed outside, he went peed/poo about 6 times, all correctly. The 2nd day I had work but kept tray of soil for him toilet on, he pooed on the tray but peed on the newspaper I laid out, didn't toilet in the evening while I was home. Today we stared off on the wrong foot, he had woken me up 3 times during the night and I'd taken him out but he didn't go, so the 4 time, I was a bit slow and he ended up peeing the carpet. After that now he won't ask me to go out, and just pees on the carpet. He's had 10+ accidents today I've cleaned every peed spot with animal odor/stain remover, but still only had 1 successful pee and 1 successful poo outside.

Thing is, I've caught him peeing almost every time, I stop him, pick him up, and put him outside in his toilet area but instead of doing his business, he just starts playing with twigs and ripping up my plants. basically he's clearly too distracted to go toilet properly (when he does go outside it's always been within 30secs of being out). It always looks like really small puddles when he does it inside, I hope he's not thinking "pee inside and I get to play outside" or anything like that :S. It's just frustrating not knowing how to get the idea that toileting outside is good. I give him treat,s he eats them, but he's not as fascinated by food as most dogs seem to be. I could try some other food/treats. but so far I have 4 different kinds, one he won't touch, 1 he'll eat 1 piece of and get bored, and the other two he'll readily eat, but they're not strong enough when he's in a distracted mode.

Anyway recommendations are welcome, but it's really more of a rant than anything. I just got him to play for the last hour to tire him out for bed and he's finally settled. I'm gonna get ready for b e now (nice and early) since no doubt he'd wake me tonight.

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maybe it took him a while to realise he wasn't in his original home and since those triggers are gone he's now forgotten his old routines.... ah the joy of toilet training... I'm sure they make nappies for dogs :sml2:

Lol they do, but I hear that once you start using them your dog will pretty much never learn to housebreak properly.Well he's peed twice inside today so far and twice outside. So not as bad as yesterday's toll yet xD.

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My dog did the same, would casually wee inside and then not toilet when I put him in the right spot! You could try the training pads and the drops you can buy (Houseproud or something?). They were a bit hit and miss with mine but i've heard good reviews!

I think it's all about repetition. It'll take awhile. I would feed mine and then take him straight outside, he'd still have a few accidents but one day he just kind of got it and for the last two years he'll still go first thing after every meal.

You'll get there!

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My dog did the same, would casually wee inside and then not toilet when I put him in the right spot! You could try the training pads and the drops you can buy (Houseproud or something?). They were a bit hit and miss with mine but i've heard good reviews!

I think it's all about repetition. It'll take awhile. I would feed mine and then take him straight outside, he'd still have a few accidents but one day he just kind of got it and for the last two years he'll still go first thing after every meal.

You'll get there!

Thanks, it's comforting to know that it'll probably get better with time. I've always read not to use those pads though, cause they get used to peeing on that kind of texture and it will confuse them from where they normally pee?

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  • 3 weeks later...
I went to see the little poochie the other day, he is so tiny and sweet, very well mannered. Chloe/Ice222 has already taught him to sit, give a paw and he was learning to play dead. By now he's probably making cups of tea and doing water changes.

:sml1: I wish! He has learnt to "leave it" and heel though, but that's not much use atm, since it'll still be 3 weeks till he's allowed out for walks. Currently trying to teach him names for his toys, and just solidifying what he already knows since he doesn't always listen when distracted. Cat's much less terrified of him now though, still doens't like him and will hiss and run away if he goes too close, but I swear she kinda tries to taunt him when she knows he can't reach her :roll:.

Your comment also reminds me of a funny thing he does with the play dead trick. For some reason, he's taught himself that he needs to jump up at my 'gun' when I say "bang!" before falling on the ground and rolling onto his back. So now when he does it, it looks like an over dramatic movie death. I've never taught him to jump, in fact I normally try to discourage all jumping so I have no idea why he adds it in :dunno:.

Oh and here's puppy pics just for fun :). First is him shaking hands, then playing dead, and third is him with a badger toy. Since "dachshund" apparently means "badger dog" in German - they used to be for hunting badgers - I thought it would be a bit of a funny toy for him.



I know his harness is pink, they didn't have blue in the shop :(. H'es pretty enough to pass as a girl anyway :love:.

Ps - Pheewee! Just noticed puppy farted for the first time, god it's pungent :lol:.

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so innocent and yet so many poops on the carpet :sml2:

Haha he doesn't actually poop inside much. Only had 2 poop accidents total, I'm just glad that it's been pee i've been having to clean. I did just come home to find he had soiled his crate while I was out though, he's stepped all over it, and left me with a horrible mess. Had to give him a bath again, 2nd time today since he'd sat in his pee the first time :facepalm:.

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I did just come home to find he had soiled his crate while I was out though, he's stepped all over it, and left me with a horrible mess.

At least he looks small enough you could drop him in the toilet and flush it a few times to give him a bath.

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oh no don't give her ideas.... Ice222 is always looking for new 'labour saving' devices

That's true :sml1:, but this little fella gets treated like a prince, treat him better than I treat myself. I swear even the bf's a little bit jealous of the dog :oops:.

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