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High Tech Planted Tank UPDATE 06.10.2012 now closed down


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At a guess I'd say that you would go through a 3.5kg bottle a month with that lighting your going to be running.

There is plenty of variables though photo period, ferts, type of plants, substrate.

Would highly recommend that you go with an in line co2 reactor will get alot more bang for your buck out of your co2 and last longer too.

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Some people have said to go with an inline reactor. But I already have bought some glass diffusers.

I have only seen the inline reactors on Trade me for around $50.

I think I might and try both options and see which works best for my tank.

My sump pump has a ventri so I might be able to use that.

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Thats looking really good, can I ask what sort of paint and colour you're going to use for the final coat? I'm assuming an oil based one?

I'll Let you know when I buy it.

Lighting Question...

My light hood has 3x 150w MH bulbs and 4x 80W 15000K actinic T5s that came with the unit.

1- Will I need to change the MHs to better bulbs than the ones supplied?

2- What K rating T5 bulbs would be good to get? Is it a good idea to have a few at different spectrums? i.e. 2 @ 10,000K and 2 @ 15,000k

3- Do the T5s need to be High Output? I'm thinking no since I have MHs...? or maybe just have two of them HO?

I have worked out my light schedule to be:

-8am T5s on

-11pm MHs on, T5s off

-4pm T5s on, MHs off

-6pm T5s off (or on for as long as I want to look at the tank)

T5s 3hrs in morning.

MHs 5hrs morning to afternoon.

T5s 2+hrs in evening.

Total Photo period 10 hours. Does this sound right?

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More equipment has arrived...

Auto water top up valve, black Co2 tubing, heater, Scissors, Tweezers & Co2 Regulator. I'm just waiting for HFF to get in some new Co2 bottles and I'll just about have everything. Oh... everything except my top layer of substrate :facepalm:


On a side not, Ive just found my first flower in my tank from one of the plants for the new setup. Its a very small flower but a flower none the less. It is one of three.



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- What CO2 regulator are you using? HSL Brand.

- How good are those Weipro heaters? I don't know, I haven't used it yet. its 500W and supposed to be good for up to 1000L.

- What ballasts are you using for your lights? They are Odyssea ballasts, Can't really tell you more without having them in front of me.

- How does an auto water top-off valve work? It works exactly way the same as your toilet cistern works. When I get it installed I will post detailed photos like I have with everything else so far.


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