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Planted Juwel Rekord 600


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Just replanted my interim earthquake replacement tank into something that resembles a display, open to ideas thoughts etc, more just wanted to put a photo up...


Its currently inhabited by:

Approx 15 neons

Approx 5 White clout minnows

Somewhere in the range of 5-10 Dwarf chain loaches

One Angelicus loach

3 Whiptail catfish (at last count)

2 Male dwarf gourami

2 Female dwarf gourami

1 Female fighter fish (albino)

3 (maybe 4) SAE

and most likely some other fish of some description

Powered by the usual juwel filter, heater and lights with a ehiem 2213 attached and a little air pump (2l/hr?), liquid ferts when I remember...

Wanting to get my hands on some dwarf cichlids, anything anyone would recommend in this or am I just asking for stocking problems?

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Will do, I'll try to get regular photos.

Yeah, the driftwood piece is a mangrove stump on its side with about 5 large anubias plants cable tied onto it, I've had it soaking in the back yard for about a month so hopefully the tannins wont be too bad. Don't have a background on it though, just the wall behind the tank? Everything you see in there is real 8)

As for the gourami, unfortuately they're all my little brothers fish, so will be sold off once he gets his act together, same thing with the female fighter but I'll try to keep that in there. Thinking of putting a male fighter, some more loaches and maybe a few honey gourami to fill in the spaces when that happens.

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Thank you :D i think it looks even better in person

Yeah, while I appreciate how many of the fish in there originate from areas that have quite a bit of tannin in the water, I have to admit that it kinda ruins the look for me when I cant see most of whats in there hence the trying not to have too much in there, I'd rather provide a small amount and use shading plants for the rest to give a similar water treatment, that, and none of these fish have come from a tannined set up so prob wouldn't benefit from using blackwater as such...

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