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when doing a good deed bit you in the but


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Anyone else think they where doing a good deed to find they where scammed or taken advantage of?

So i have some kittens im rehoming on behalf of a friend and i had someone contact me saying that they have a stray male cat that was recently desexed, really friendly etc etc, as as i had the trademe listing thinking that i would just hold onto it, change the listing so i dont make the rich richer and everyone would be happy!

then i put the cat into a spare room, with food, litter box and water. then it hid under the sofa in there and wont come out.

when you approach him it hisses until you grab it from the scruffof the neck and pull it out then its your new best friend that loves pats and food!

then today i was trying to check out the job the vet did on desexing it now thats its getting used to me (kinda) only to find that the rather fat cat with a firm stomach appears to be a girl....

oh well

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Some real losers out there, but some great people like diver21!

Great that you have taken them on and looking out for the little lives.

There are more losers out there than heroes but it only takes one light to lighten the room :sage:

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