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I start on Friday which is pretty stupid because then I have three more days of holiday. I have been trying to talk mum into letting me stay at home on Friday but she says I have to go :(

Same here, but I'm at the point where school's actually really fun.

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I wish it was that easy :( I have terrible social skills, and I have nothing in common with anyone else at my school (which isn't suprising as there are heaps of gangstas and sport fanatics). I get picked on a lot, and beaten up sometimes. Most kids just don't seem to like me purely because I am not interested in what they like (porn, fast cars, rugby, sport etc), and how I don't agree with their immature ways. I have a few friends, but they don't want to have anything to do with me outside of school. I have asked them if they want to hang out after school or in the weekend, or asked for their number, but they always turn me down. I'm just that geeky fish guy that reads books :(

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Been to Nelson and got a lovely new drug list for Grant to see if they can get his rheumatoid arthritis under control again :roll:

Went to Quiz Night and lost by half a point. Doesn't matter though as The Microbes (our arch enemies :lol: ) came about 4th or something. We don't care who wins, as long as it isn't them.

We would have won if we had listened to Grant who said My Boy Lollipop was sung by Milly Small and not Little Eva, or if I had remembered Baked Beans was sung by Mother Goose (I put Hello Sailor :-? ) :roll:

But.... we won the jackpot of $120 so that was good. Plus we got $30 on the bar tab for 2nd place. :happy1: :happy2:

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I have terrible social skills

You might think you do (I disagree) but there are different kinds of social skills. The appearance of having friends is not evidence that you know how to BE a friend, and belonging to a group does not mean that you are a good friend. The reasons can be something else - that you have a part to play in that group and you keep playing it. If you don't know you are playing a part then it's easy to carry on but if you feel like you are not being yourself then the interactions can seem hollow. Also, making or joining a wider group like a sport team requires different behaviour than being in a small group of maybe 4 people, which is again different to being a friend to just one person. Most people seem to know what it is to be a good friend to just one person and sometimes it can take a while to find people of a like mind who want to put the effort into being a good friend back again.

I found the whole friends thing hard at school, I did anything I could to fit in with the girls I liked and consequently I worried more about what other people thought of me than making sure I liked and was good to myself. For Joe and others who don't find it easy either, once you are out of the forced school setting you may feel better when you are not forced to be near people who don't appreciate or understand you. I work at a uni and see ALL sorts of different people going about their work and study, so if you end up in a place like that I think you will find more people of a like mind and the chances of forming a friendship or 2 will be much greater. Doesn't mean you absolutely will find the perfect friend because lots of people still let you down, and then there's work (some idiots there that have to be tolerated), but when you can pick your surrounding people it's better.

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Sophia's right Joe. I used to stand relatively alone at school (literally, I leant against a wall), simply because I didn't get along with the people my actual friends hung out with. Eventually my true friends came back and hung with me, but being a loner doesn't mean you can't be awesome. Being an indifferent lone wolf is pretty cool actually but you're just going to have to wait it out on the whole friends thing. At your age, friends are very dynamic, one group is unlikely to remain unchanged for more than a couple of months as relationships rise and fall. You'll find a group you get along with, just be patient.

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like what cricketman said when the 'cool' kids leave school they will struggle with real life

Now don't confuse cool and popular. Popular kids are super fake usually, cool is more subjective, not everyone appears cool to everyone else.

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