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Is This Normal? (56K beware?)


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So the bristlenoses has been in the tank for about 3 weeks now. I have two of them and unsure if both of them are doing it or is it just the one. Funny behaviour I have noticed within this time is that it likes to swim up the HOB and just hang on to it :facepalm: It does it day and night, whenever it wants to, probably i'd say once every few hours (sometimes more?).

Is this normal for them to do so?

here are some photos.

One of the two in the tank.






Day Time


Night Time (the light is LED, so it's not as bright as it shows in the photo)


Thanks FNZAS

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haha, okay so it is normal. pheeww, cause the first time when i saw its tail hanging off below the water, it gave be a heart attack as i thought it died (not looking into the filter from above) :facepalm:

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Yep, perfectly normal.

Most people keep them in tanks with very low flow but as you have seen they prefer high flow, highly oxygenated, soft water.

Nice pics BTW

thanks, yeah i was waiting for a while for it to climb up again so i can snap those quickshots :slfg:

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My guy does this too, I thought it might have been because the outflow gets more algae on it that anywhere else. Amazing pics! :spop:

haha, so mine isn't the only one that's doing that, thank lord :hail:

but as what matto said earlier -

i have had dead bristle nose's in my hang on filters from them climbing in &c:ry

i would hate mine to go overboard and get stuck on the other side of the filter xD

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haha, so mine isn't the only one that's doing that, thank lord :hail:

but as what matto said earlier -

i would hate mine to go overboard and get stuck on the other side of the filter xD

I had a guppy do that also! he was fine though :thup: I now leave the water just a tad lower so they can't climb/swim in :lol:

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Hot glue some mesh in there so they can't go in

Probably wouldn't recommend this if the mesh got blocked your filter would overflow..

As above it is normal, and I don't think the fish could come to any harm in the filter it would just be sitting on top of the sponge wouldn't it?

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You could have the mesh higher than the water level coming out of the overflow, but not higher than the top of the filter?

I've seen multiple plecos do that at animates mt eden's plant tanks, on their connected octagon shaped tanks that overflows to the next. There is a fair distance from one water level to the other and they seem to climb quite high, though i've never seen them go into the next tank :spop:

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Fabric mesh would be fine (like whats used on fish nets). When i had baby BN's some managed to climb out of the tank :facepalm:

haha ruthless, hope they knew how to climb back into the tank though :sml1:

I plan to leave my filter as it is. i'm sure they'll be fine. they will probably out grow the gap soon anyways. :happy2:

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