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First time Fishkeeper, first time caller.


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Hi there, My name is Jargo and this is my first time having a fishtank (apart from a goldfish at the age of 7).

I've always enjoyed aquariums as a kid, so this is alot of fun having this setup in my kitchen/lounge.

Let me know what you think.

6x Dwarf Gourami, 10x Zebra Danios, 10x Glass Bloodfin and a longfin suck fish thing.



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Good one! I really like the layout. I also like that you have the fish in good sized groups with multiple fish of the same species. Those species will be happier in larger groups of similar fish. Well done.

Welcome to the forums. :wink:

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It's a 70 litre Blue Lagoon tank. I've got the itch for an aquascaped Arowana tank 6 foot plus already though. Thanks for the positive vibrations so far. I'm enjoying the future creation of aquascaping. Watching it grow to become your vision. I want to aquascape for a job. Anyone want to Mr Miyagi me into the grand master? Amano look out...?!

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