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My 1200L Fish Tank (The journey Nearly OVER)


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YAY!!! :happy1: Just transferred my girlfriends baby black arowana and 4 plecos (Royal, 2xGN, L200). The black look happy! It was scary transferring him TBH. Such a powerful fish! :thup:

Okay, So I would need to keep the garage shut at all times. Meaning when I enter the garage I would need to shut the garage down once entered? I think I can do that, and get some 25mm poly for the back and sides. I'll get on to that once everyone settles in the 1200L. There are still more fish to add. I might add my discus in tomorrow too!.

Thanks hovmoller for the calculation. :hail:

Oh, I forgot to add that I added another AquaOne 1200 filter today too.

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what about it you put in a little side entrance door, its not that difficult, Hubby put one in our garage for me, cause I was battling to open the door from the inside and once the wind shut it on me and I was stuck in there LOL

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Still looking for quite a big amount of christmas and peacock moss....anyone know anyone that might have some to sell or giveaway?? :tears:

well....the thing is...the gate of the garage is the width of the whole garage....and if i put side doors....well....it will go into the foundations of the house :(

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If room is 17° and you want your water at 29° then you need at least 575 watt heating.

This is assuming no insulation except 10mm on the bottom and on ply. This will cost you $105/month in power!!

he has 900 watts heating the tank, i think 575 watts aint going to cut the mustard.

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he has 900 watts heating the tank, i think 575 watts aint going to cut the mustard.

Oh and if you leave the garage door open you can forget about these numbers.. it will be much higher then.. These calcs are based on a room with little air movement.
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Yes something like that..

Instead of the whole door in the door business you could build an insulated wall across inside your garage and make it your fish room.. Like Josh did!

How much would it cost to get the garage insulated? As what henward said, it cost him $400 to get his place fully insulated.

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Instead of the whole door in the door business you could build an insulated wall across inside your garage and make it your fish room.. Like Josh did!

haha il try but gona need to sell off some tanks first and rearrange the whole garage to my gf's mums liking :facepalm: and the garage is quite small...

yer next month im starting to look at insulated my garage as i got a 600 dollars power bill..

gf's mum got a 300$+ and lets say...she was not one happy woman :nilly:

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my parents powerbill is 300, i have 17 tanks in my insulated fish shed, i used 25mm poly, but i think 50 mm would be better and fill all gaps with expanding foam

Of course 50mm is always better but not by very much..

E.g. Fishies 1200 tank that went from $105/month to $65/month by using 25mm poly. If he used 50mm instead the bill would still be $58/month. So unless you can get 50mm at around the same price as 25mm I wouldn't bother.

What would be the really good way of doing it is 90mm pink batts everywhere. But of course you would need some framing and lining with that.. Which would be quite a bit more expensive than poly, but a good solution long term of course. With many/big tanks it would pay for itself in only a few years

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