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Shellie tank


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Of all the fish I'm looking after at the moment, I like the shellies best. Their behaviour is so interesting. I have to be really careful to feed both sides of the tank at the same time, cos if the babies on one side spot the opposite side's food drifting down first, they get tempted to cross THE BORDER and then the other territory's owners get very cross which in turn leads to the naughty frys parents getting cross too and then the food is forgotten cos they're too busy watching each other.

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Yeah, I'm pretty excited about these guys!

I should get them on the last weekend of the month, so I'm really stoked. Pretty painful to look at the tank and its got no living inhabitants in it!

The hydrocotyle is growing on me, but the fish will most likely rip it out any how.

The tank looks so peaceful.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got 3 in total Ryan. There were 4 but 2 had to be sent in the shell they were in because they refused to come out.

The smaller of the 2 must be dead because I haven't seen her since I put them in the tank.

They are quite firemouth like, and have made pits in the sand all over the tank!

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Wow they look blue, or is that the lighting? Someone else mentioned that had happened with their spawn but they all turned gold in the end it will be interesting to see what happens with them as they grow..

What sexes do you have, how big are they and are they getting along?

It can be difficult to get them out of shelles, generally turning the shell upside down and elevating it works as they come out of the shell eventually and don't want to swim back up into it to get back in it!

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They all have these shiny blue scales on their sides, but the blue tinge in the pics (like the background etc) has come from me trying to do something with the RAW file. Never done it before so I have to learn slowly :D

I know there is a pair with the 4 I have, but they have all claimed a part of the tank, and the female I thought was dead just spends all her time in a shell so there might be eggs. They just flare at each other but apart from that no aggression.

can you sex the one in that pic? I don't think I can. Sizes are about 4cm or so with one big daddy one!

I'm feeding them nls discus food cause my spoiled rotten fish wont touch any nls food :facepalm:

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Did a WC last night. 20L. Fish are either dead or dying this morning.

This is exactly why I stopped keeping africans in the first place.

The water in this house is just not suitable for them.

I've had such a crap week and now this just makes it worse.

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That sucks :(

I do find it very bizare you have these issues, I have found shellies to be very tough (even fry) and I do 20-30% water changes straight from the tap on them from day dot.. Same with the dems/yellows you had issues with, I also know a few other keepers in Palmy who do the same without issues. There must be something very weird with your water if this keeps happening.. Same issue happened to the ones that I gave to Bilbo before I left he managed to shock and kill them all somehow..

I do agree with Josh though for the sake of a small tank just keep a 20L bucket bubbling away with some limestone in it and let the water condition a bit if you think that is an issue.

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I raise my fry in tap water so they are used to it. I do 30-40% water changes from the tap as well (and recently have had to do as much as 70% and cold water changes etc), and they are very hardy. However, I lost an entire batch of 2cm fry after picking them up off the floor in the quake. They were in the exact same water as apisto fry who ALL survived with no problem.

I think these guys are more susceptible to shock than other types of fish but it may be related to fear/stress as it truly doesn't seem to be related to water conditions in my experience.... :dunno:

I can send you more if you like P44.

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I can send you more if you like P44.

I'd love to buy some... :hail:

It's just so depressing. These fish were totally awesome. The sand I have in the tank is from wanganui, and raises the pH considerably. I think that a 20L change may have thrown that balance out of whack and the fish suffered in the end.

Had the same problems when I had the dem/yellow tank and that's why I got rid of it.

It's very very demoralising for me. :tears: I absolutely hate it!

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