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How much time do you spend on your fish?


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A visitor commented the other day on how easy fish are to keep. Made me wonder how much time I spend mucking about with my tanks.

I have 9 low tech planted tanks and 3 others. This morning I thought I'd spend an hour or two on them.

I did water changes , cleaned some glass and trimmed some plants- nothing too major. I was surprised to find 4 1/2 hrs had gone by.

I'd hate to think how many hours a week I spend doing fishy stuff :lol:

So how much time do you spend on your fish?

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i my water changes take on average 35 minutes a week plus the few seconds it takes to feed them daily, the occasional tidy up may take a little longer. I do find that if i don't what the time I can find myself mucking around and an hour has easily slipped past :roll:

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In an evening I can take half an hour feeding and looking and poking about looking for another millimetre of algae or a new fry, but it will take 5 mins if I've got other things to do. Can do a water change in about 10 mins but if there is 'housework' to do it can take an hour.

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Well time spent in the tank is only about an hour once a week (usually a tuesday) but i do sit and watch them playing all night (tank is right next to my computer) and i probably spend around 4 hours a night looking at all things fishie on the internet. Beats the rubish on TV anyway. :P

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change to africans, a water change once a week which includes a front panel scrub & food each & that's it. I must spend a total of around 30 mins per week i guess on 3 or 4 tanks. the fish eat the algae of the back panel so don't clean it & they are constantly moving the white marble chip substrate so it always looks pristine.

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I have 35 tanks running and spend around half an hour a day (3 feeds/fish checks min) and 1-2 hours for water changes 1 day a week. Obviously if I am stripping or catching fish I spend longer but the above is all I need to keep them alive and healthy. It obviously doesn't include the time when I just pull up a chair and sit and watch the fish etc..

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That's why I like to keep my tanks low maintenance! Less time spent mucking around trimming plants and more time sitting in my strategically placed couch watching my tank. (Apologies to all planted tank lovers)

I reckon I spend about 1.5 hours a week doing a wc, but I have aquarium ADHD.. Everything can be fine one day and then suddenly (usually late at night), I'll get the urge to do something new. Either I'll get a creative burst to rearrange the rocks/ driftwood (which means I won't be able to sleep unless I get it done) or just sit and stare at my SUMP to figure out a way to make it run more efficiently. Call me crazy, but when I go to HFF, I spend 80% of my time looking at fish and 20% staring at sump designs. Efficiency is key!

...Even as I type this I have been tempted 3-4 times to just glance over my shoulder and look at my tank - such a distraction from something as important as writing this. :lol:

@Waterlogged: the question NOT to ask is how much money. NEVER ask how much money. Especially not in front of someone's spouse/ parents/ loved ones who actually care enough about that person's financial situation to nag lol..

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Too much...

I try and get live food for my natives once a week, that will mean a trip out to the olds to skim their pond for mozzie larvae, backswimmers, zooplankton etc. thats 30min in travel and another 10-20 with the net, then I might visit the stony stream just up the road - add another hour...

Water change once a week - another 30 min at least, more if I move driftwood...

10min a day to feed them - have to cut up the ox heart etc

then there is the 6hours a day that I should be working that I'm too easily distracted by the fish :oops:

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Depends on what is going on. When I have fry I can spend a couple of hours per day. But usually I spend about an hour per day with feeding and water changes, plant pruning etc.

This is not including the hours spent in front of my many scattered tanks just staring.

The Native tank seems to engross me most lately. Inanga are sure fun to watch chasing mossies and moths that land on water surface.

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What's your WC regime like?

FISH SHED - water changes (these are bare bottom tanks so only need a wipe down each water change)

Fry tanks x7 - every 2nd day at about an hour a pop

other tanks x9 - every 2nd-3rd day - about 1 1/2 hours

HOUSE TANKS - water changes (all planted tanks so a wipe down and vacuum)

Water changes 2-3 times a week - about 2 1/2hrs each time

FEEDING (1 - 1 1/2 hrs daily)

Feeding daphnia (live & dried), bbs, decap bs, mosquito lavae, micro worms, + any other live foods I can get my hands on and dried foods as well + frozen blood worms). Its all the individual containers that take the time.

Then I spend at least 18 hours a week on this site :roll: :lol:

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Fish inside get fed every 3 or 4 days (if I think of it) although my young platies have been fed daily up until now. As I am away (in sunny Golden Bay) at the moment, they will go 3 days without food.

I do a water change once every 3 months or so (takes about half an hour to do 3 tanks) and the occasional top up due to evaporation in summer. Filters get cleaned out once a year or so.

The pond fish get fed once a day during the summer months, most days, just so I can sit and watch them while I have my cuppa.

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I'll spend 30-40 minutes at most, once a week.

30 mins includes a 50%WC and prune.

how do you mange to do waterchange and pruning in under an hr? I must be doing something wrong.. it takes me up to an an hr per tank ( a little less for the smaller ones)

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