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animates in the albuny mega auckland centre are noobs


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Going for a drive to get some plants with fishie123 decided to cheack out animates in albuny mega centre

looking into the tank we saw 3 :cry: dead fish floating around so we tell the staff (and they dont do anything about it)

we keep looking and we see some more dead fish in other tanks as we counted them up the total came to 24 dead fish! :tears:

we asked them if we could keep them(idk why we just did :o )

they said no and told us their keeping them in their or quarinteen and said they might have desieses never gave us a full answer

imm just wondering were they keeping the dead fish in their untill the rest of the fish died?

it seemed almost every tropical fish tank had at least 2 dead fish

we saw the display tank with 2 discus in it one was lamost a black colour so we asked a staff member who was working around the fish area what type of discus the dark one was he said (staff)" its a discus"(us)"yeah but what type of discus?"(staff)"baby discus"(us)" we know that but what speices of discus?"(staff)"its just a discus it dosent have its own speices groups"

we just crept away and started laughing in my opinion if your gonna work at a pet shop know some info about the pest you sell :/

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Going for a drive to get some plants with fishie123 decided to cheack out animates in albuny mega centre

looking into the tank we saw 3 :cry: dead fish floating around so we tell the staff (and they dont do anything about it)

we keep looking and we see some more dead fish in other tanks as we counted them up the total came to 24 dead fish! :tears:

we asked them if we could keep them(idk why we just did :o )

they said no and told us their keeping them in their or quarinteen and said they might have desieses never gave us a full answer

imm just wondering were they keeping the dead fish in their untill the rest of the fish died?

it seemed almost every tropical fish tank had at least 2 dead fish

we saw the display tank with 2 discus in it one was lamost a black colour so we asked a staff member who was working around the fish area what type of discus the dark one was he said (staff)" its a discus"(us)"yeah but what type of discus?"(staff)"baby discus"(us)" we know that but what speices of discus?"(staff)"its just a discus it dosent have its own speices groups"

we just crept away and started laughing in my opinion if your gonna work at a pet shop know some info about the pest you sell :/

It's always sad to see dead fish..... You would struggle to find a LFS around the world that wouldn't have at least one dead fish in a display tank though, just goes with the territory. :tears:

My experience with Animates is they usually have at least one person who has reasonable knowledge on fishkeeping. Personally, I’ve bought some nice plants, my tank and a filter from Animates for good prices but never any fish.

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As fordayzbro said, every pet/fish store will likely have dead fish in it, I've seen them in even the best stores. It's not as easy to check for dead fish in that many tanks, especially when they're as stressed as they are from being in store tanks.

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Staff in pet shops are only human at the end of the day. Always try and look at the positive, like atleast there was a staff member available to talk to you. :D

I always find the staff at Animates cheerful and beleive they have filled a hole in the market where they hold a broader range of products for a petstore. I remember when my local petstore used to sell basic stuff for goldfish at that's about it for the aquarium side of things....

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yeah i agree almost every pet store has one-or 2 dead fish in their tanks but 24! thats rediculas(think i spelt that correctly)

and 2 in everytank is not good

i agree equipment is a lil more expencive then other stores but its good stuff

Being a large chain of pet stores they most likely do regular stock takes etc. Questions maybe asked by the management why the fish stocks are so low…… Perhaps more training is required on identifying diseases early on and correct medication to use.

At the end of the day it’s not a good look to have 2 dead fish in every tank. I don’t believe many people would by fish from a tank that had dead ones floating about….

It’s good that you have raised that with the staff, nobody likes to see any dead animal

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The discus in the store aren't likely to be any species, they are man-made variants that have been selectively bred for countless generations and may have blood from more than one of the true Symphysodon species.

I'm not sure what is more of a facepalm; the fact that the OP seemed surprised by substandard knowledge and sick fish at Animates, the fact that he thought it was worth making a thread about, or the spelling....


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David - you are a tough one!



i find there are people with good knowledge in Animates sometimes, but more likely than not, i found them to be focused entirely on selling add ons and upselling you.

Though i understand, all LFS must do this to make money, but they seem to focus on that and not the fish.

But then again, they are not fish specialists - more puppies birds etc.

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but the spelling police will nab you.

Yes we will :lol:

I find that it's hard to take people seriously if their spelling and grammar is wrong. I mean a few typos here and there might be okay but "tiping lyk dis" is just ridiculous.

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Going back to the topic, here in Christchurch we have a guy called Daniel at Animates and he is the "fish specialist". Generally you will find no matter what store you go to if you ask them a question they will jump on the phone to Daniel. I have found the advice to be good, nothing special just good! Animates is all about the up-sells, anyone that has talked to someone who works there about their incentive plan would agree

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Fish deaths are common.

Its just how vigilant the particular store is at getting them out before anyone sees them.

If you think about it logically as to what happens:

Most fish are bred overseas.

They are shipped to the importer - a load will die due to the stress of shipping - or make them weaker.

Then they are shipped to stores, further stress, and the weaker ones die.

Hopefully by the time it comes for you to purchase fish, only the stronger and healthier fish remain.

But then take into account the potential for nets being thrashed around to catch them, further stress, which can be the answer to the mysterious of fish dying when you get them home - plus the further stress of more transportation.

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We were in the store for at least 20min, and not one of the staff members were concerned about the death of the fish. i assumed they will remove them as soon as possible once the fish die to avoid more dying fishes. but they didn't really care because they were too excited by the new LED TV they got that day. Every tropical tank had dead fishes. Some had 2, some had 3, some even had 5. We asked them multiple time, "Why aren't you removing the fish". They look at us like we were idiot and said "Okay". Then they continue playing with their new LED TV. :facepalm:. I did ask what type of discus it was. But i was referring the breed. I even told him, "Is it a red turq, blue turq and etc." all he replied while handling the TV. They are just baby discus....

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Did you stop to consider that they come in as baby discus?

Also if they are baby discus, I wouldn't be jumping on IDing the colour morph without knowing for certain what the parents are. - That of course they won't know; seeing as they come in as baby discus.

A "I hate animates" thread should just be stickied. Then every time someone feels like loading up their keyboard bullets, they can just go there and be happy. :roll:

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Perhaps you should try a specialist store like Hollywood or Pupuke if you want decent quality fish and advice.

Fish and aquariums probably make up a tiny part of that stores takings, and they therefore devote an appropriate amount of knowledgeable staff towards it. I bet if you asked about fluffy hybrid dogs you would have got a more thorough answer...

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