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The new look :)


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Put new sand in the tank today, excuse the understandable cloudiness of the tank, but that will settle. Lovin' the look :D thanks to DavidR and Snookie for recommending the builders sand from mitre10. Fish are growing well, Jardini is around 17-18cm now since Easter when I got him at about 6cm, grey sen is about 20cm now and rivals the fat delhezi which is around 20-22cm, the del is 26cm long, had a bit of growth this year which I am happy about, silver sharks are 20cm/12cm/10cm, albino sen is at 15cm, Geo is around 20cmish and looking primo on the darker substrate, GT female at 8cm.

Will post a couple of pics tomorrow of some fish that Henward was sitting for me - chur bro.

Anyways a couple of snaps







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Thanks guys, I'm not going to add any more wood but I will plant this baby up a bit. So far I have had success with swordplants with bichirs, so I may try a few of those - although maybe mini sag would be a better option. Might add some tall stems along the back for some depth profile. Suggestions? Havent had much luck with anubias though.

I still want to maintain an open feel + be able to see my fish well, and bushy plants will just ripped up. So pretty much restricted to strong stemmed plants and short compact swordplant-like species.

@morcs: bare bottom is well, just too bare. I think a natural look brings out the best in any fish, only plus for a bare tank is ease of cleaning.

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Some more photos, put the male GT and 2 more sens in there. Albino sen wants to get it on with a normal senegal female :lol: . Stocklist: Jardini, geo, X2 GT, X3 sharks, X4 sens (1 albino), X2 dels. festae in sump cos Jardini doesn't like him.









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i believe they will graze on some plants

like soft amazons, i remember, they demolished my vals awhile back, i mean over a day, nothing was left.

but we dont have that, so your plants may be ok

keep it well fed! it should not have so much urge to eat plants.

love the flag tail, so tempted to get a shcool.

but they flight when older unless in a massive tank.

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