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Cool tank thing

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I know people keeping these guys in temps up to 30 degrees. They aren't cherry red but very interesting to keep and great at cleaning up algae.

What's their lifespan at 30 degrees though?

I'd be tempted to drop my main tank's temperature down to about 25 if they'd actually live long term in that temp. I assume I'd need to slowly acclimatise them to the higher temps though.

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What's their lifespan at 30 degrees though?

I'd be tempted to drop my main tank's temperature down to about 25 if they'd actually live long term in that temp. I assume I'd need to slowly acclimatise them to the higher temps though.

I put about 10 fresh water shrimp in my tropical tank at 25 degrees after bringing them slowly up to 22/23ish in a seperate tank. The only ones that survived were the ones that I didn't acclimatise first and just threw them in when I got them home. I wouldn't want the tank to go any higher than 25 for these guys though.

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