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Whats your dream Tank or pond?


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Keeping it realistic and not trying to make an ocean or anything.

This is a pool i would like to make one day when i have my own place.

A room dedicated to this. all waterproofed etc. and i could even swim with my fish :D

It would be especially for african cichlids that can hide in all the rocks and the bigger fish plenty of swimming room.

Roughly 12,900 ltrs without sand and rocks.

The main shape. 5m long x 3m wide x 1.5m deep


And then a heap of sand and a whole lot of rocks.


Now filled up, and some people added to show the depth and size


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dude, you need to get out more ;) Nice designs though :)

My dream tank(s) are currently being built at the National Trout Centre near Turangi, courtesy of the Dept of Conservation, the Trout Centre Society, Genesis et al, and what's more: I don't have to maintain them! :lol: 8)

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Kinda-realistic, but not in NZ.....

750g tank (10' long 4' wide 30" high) acrylic tank, Ultima filters, light coloured sand substrate, tangled driftwood, no plants.

Stocked with a trio of black aros [that would live peacefully together because its my dream tank!], a large group of Uaru fernandezyepezi, a school of wild type discus, a tigrinus catfish, and several different Potamotrygons.

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Ive have read about Takashi's tank before, Its awesome. We would all love a small chuck of nature like that in our living room.

Yes I have been meaning to put glass panels into the side of the pond, havn't added that part yet, Im still working on it. I realise its not realistic in NZ but could still be possible if/when i have the money.

I'm using Archicad. I use it everyday at work.

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Definite want would have to be a saltwater reef shark tank, ideally tropical, but seeing as we can't do that here I would settle for carpet sharks, smooth gummy sharks, small rays etc. An outdoor shaded pond effect with added lighting and an indoors viewing window. Have to be a big tank though, like 20,000 litres or something.

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