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Newbee in Hamilton


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Hi there

Im a newbee in Hamilton

Been into Aquatics for a wile now and owned and breed a few differnt speices of fish over the past few years just for fun and recently just getting back into it again.

Im not overly clued up and change my mind and tanks all the time at the moment i have a nice little community tank (160L)with baby discus's bolivan rams dwarf gouramis neons male guppies female fighters and the old faithfull bristol noses all resting on a home made pine stand which looks like a million bucks.

Im flating and dont have a lot of room to have big set ups so my tank is hidden away in my garage but have a nice tank divided up into 3 for my male fighters which i currently have a crown tail and a rescued halfmoon and something special on the way....

I enjoy breeding fish for a challenge and to see babies grow i dont care about profits its all fun just a bummer i dont own my own house hmmmm the possibilities

Thank you,


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