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Hi From Nelson


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Hi there

I have been keping fish for about 4months now and have 3 tanks set up.

70L planted tank with Angels,black skirt tetras ,bristle nose & a young blue acara (soon to go, is going to get to big for the tank!)

190L african tank with electric yellows,Dems and peacocks (aulonocara nyassae "cobue")

20L hospital tank currently has a recovering juv beat up demasoni.


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Welcome Dan,

How are the new additions settling in?

New additions are setling in well although one of the dems was beat up beyond recovery and later dyed after i removed from the tank.

I added a larger sub adult male dem that intially gave the male peacock a hard time but has since settled in although he may have been the one that killed the dem,is hard to know at this stage as he hides under the rocks most of the time but may be dominating the tank when im not looking so will keep an eye on him!

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